For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 36. If both numerator and denominator are subtracted by 9, then the fraction obtained is 8 / 9 after simplification. Find the original simplest fraction Come on, give it to me between 7 o'clock today

For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 36. If both numerator and denominator are subtracted by 9, then the fraction obtained is 8 / 9 after simplification. Find the original simplest fraction Come on, give it to me between 7 o'clock today


The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 102. If 19 is subtracted from both numerator and denominator, the reduced fraction is 115, then the original fraction is 115___ .

The sum of the numerator and denominator of the fraction before reduction is 102-19 × 2 = 64. Let the greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator of this fraction be x, then: x + 15x = 64, & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 64, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 4. So the fraction before reduction is 1 × 415 × 4 = 460, then the original fraction is

The denominator of a fraction of 25 minus 1, plus 1, can be reduced to 3 of 8
It's only five minutes

The denominator of a / 25 minus 1 is 24 ~! The numerator plus 1 is a + 1 to get (a + 1) / 24 simplified to 3 / 8, that is, a + 1 equals 9 ~! So a equals 8

A fraction, the numerator plus 1, its value is 3 / 5, denominator minus 1, its value is 4 / 7, what is the fraction

8 / 15 = 8 / 15, which is 8 / 15