The numerator and denominator of 97 / 181 are all subtracted by the same number, and the new fraction is about 2 / 5, so what is the subtracted number? No equation, please write the idea!

The numerator and denominator of 97 / 181 are all subtracted by the same number, and the new fraction is about 2 / 5, so what is the subtracted number? No equation, please write the idea!

The numerator after reduction is 2, the numerator subtracted from the original numerator must be odd, the denominator after reduction is 5, the numerator subtracted from the denominator of the original fraction is odd, and the difference must be a multiple of 5. (97-1) / (181-1) = 96 / 180 = 8 / 15 (97-11) / 181-11) = 86 / 170 = 43 / 85 (97-21) / (181-21) = 76 / 160 = 19 / 40 (97 -...)

The sum of the numerator and denominator of the fraction is 80, and the numerator and denominator are subtracted by 30. The new fraction is about one ninth. Find the original fraction

32 / 48, but this score can be further reduced, so there should be no solution to this problem