As shown in the picture, a square street garden, the middle is a square flower bed, surrounded by a path, the side length of the flower bed is 12 meters, the width of the path is 1 meter What's the area of the hotel?

As shown in the picture, a square street garden, the middle is a square flower bed, surrounded by a path, the side length of the flower bed is 12 meters, the width of the path is 1 meter What's the area of the hotel?

Because the side length of the central flower bed is 12
And as you can see from the picture, the side length of the garden is equal to the width of two paths plus the side length of the central flower bed,
So the side length of the garden is 12 + 1 + 1 = 14 meters
Because the area of a square is: side length times side length,
So the area of the whole garden is: 14 times 14 = 196 square meters
A: the area of the whole street garden is 196 square meters

A street garden is shown in the picture. In the middle is a 50 meter square with semicircles on each side. Grandfather Xiaojun walks around the garden
About how many meters?

Because the perimeter of four semicircles = the perimeter of two circles,
Circumference of each circle: 3.14 × 50 = 157 (m)
Circumference of two circles: 157 × 2 = 314 (m)
So, about 314 meters

A street garden, the middle is a 40 meter square, four sides are a semicircle line, little red grandfather walk

The length of a week's walk is 40 * 3.14 / 2 * 4 = 251.2m
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The 40 meter square in the middle of the street garden is a semicircle. How many meters does grandma Xiaofang walk around the flower bed

40 (diameter of circle) multiplied by 3.14 (circumference) divided by 2 (because it is a semicircle) and multiplied by 4 (four semicircles on four sides) = 251.2m
Vaguely remember is the first day of mathematics class topic, more than 20 years, that knowledge is basically returned to the alma mater, should not be wrong, after the calculation, I also drew a picture, the actual amount, probably this number

If the image of the function y = sin2x + acos2x is symmetric with respect to the line x = - π 8, then a is equal to ()
A. 2B. 1C. −2D. -1

From the meaning of the question, we know that y = sin2x + acos2x = A2 + 1sin (2x + φ) when x = - π 8, the function y = sin2x + acos2x takes the maximum value ± A2 + 1, and substituting x = - π 8, we can get: sin [2 × (− π 8)] + ACOS [2 × (− π 8)] = 22 (a − 1) = ± A2 + 1, the solution is a = - 1, so we choose D

The maximum and minimum positive period of the function y = sinxsin (x + π / 2) + sin2 π cos2x

Are you sure it's sin2 π?
The maximum is 1 / 2 and the minimum positive period is 2 π / 2 = π

Let f (x) vector a * vector B, where a = (1, - 1), B = (sin2, cos2x)
(1) If f (x) = 0 and 0

According to the meaning, we can know that f (x) = sin2x - cos2x, the rest can be transformed by trigonometric function

How to simplify the function (sin2 Λ x + Cos2 Λ x) (sin2 Λ x-cos2 Λ x) - cos2x


How to calculate the integral of x power of integrand function 3 multiplied by x power of E

Ah, I forgot. If I was a freshman, I would still remember it. Look at the form, I should use the step-by-step integral. Look at the formula in the book, because it should be the formula derived from (UV) '= u'v + v'u

The original function of X (a + 1) times x to the power of a
Specific algorithm

=(a+1)x^(a+2) /(a+2)+C