Area calculation of isosceles right triangle Known: hypotenuse C = 80

Area calculation of isosceles right triangle Known: hypotenuse C = 80

∵ isosceles RT △ a = b
According to Pythagorean theorem, C = radical (A & sup2; + B & sup2;) = 80
∴ a²=b²=0.5c²=3200

How to calculate the area of an isosceles right triangle

Base times height divided by 2

How to calculate the area of a right triangle?

From the data, we know that this is an equilateral right triangle. Such two equilateral right triangles can be combined into a square. Square area = side length multiplied by side length, so equilateral right triangle area = side length multiplied by side length and then divided by 2

Ask. Know the hypotenuse of a right triangle, how to calculate its area? By the way, find a circle area formula!

If we only know one hypotenuse, we can't get the area. At least we need another condition. The area of a circle is s = pi * r * r

Know the hypotenuse of a right triangle, find the area. How to calculate? And how to calculate the area of a circle?
Know the hypotenuse of a right triangle, find the area. How to calculate? And how to calculate the area of a circle?

The area formula of circle is: π r square, R radius, triangle area can be used trigonometric function, let one side be a, the other side be B, and by Pythagorean theorem
Let the other two sides be the sine formula and cosine formula
Two unknowns two equations
We can find a and B
Then the area formula s = 1 / 2absin C = 1 / 2acsin B = 1 / 2bcsina is used

Known hypotenuse and angle, is isosceles right triangle, how to calculate area?
In the additional questions of weekend homework, we know that the hypotenuse is 10 cm and the angles are 45, 45 and 90 respectively

First of all, this is a right angle isosceles triangle. If you cross the right angle and make the middle line of the hypotenuse, you will become a small isosceles triangle with two right angle sides of 10 / 2 = 5. According to the triangle area formula, you can calculate the area: 5 * 5 / 2 + 5 * 5 / 2 = 25

If the two right sides of a right triangle are 6 and 8 respectively, and the length of the hypotenuse is 10, then the height of the hypotenuse is 10___ .

Let the height on the hypotenuse be x cm. According to the meaning of the question, we get 10x △ 2 = 6 × 8 △ 2, and the solution is x = 4.8. That is to say, the height on the hypotenuse is 4.8, so the answer is 4.8

1. It is known that the lengths of two right angles of a right triangle are 3 and 5 respectively, and the oblique side length is calculated;
2. Given that the lengths of two sides of a right triangle are 3 and 5, find the length of the third side
By the way, help me write a composition about how to come a good friend, in which the names of people are replaced by XX

Because the sum of the two sides must be greater than the third side
The difference between the two sides must be less than the third side
So, 3 + 5 > the third side

The three sides of a right triangle are 3, 4 and 5cm, and its area is () how to calculate?
The height of his hypotenuse is () cm, and the area of his parallelogram is () cm;

Area of right triangle = 3 * 4 / 2 = 6
Height on bevel = area * 2 / length of bevel = 6 * 2 / 5 = 2.4
The area of parallelogram with equal height and equal ground = bottom * height = 4 * 3 = 12

Right triangle bottom length is 2.4, hypotenuse length is 3.2, find the other side length

Let the other side be X
Square of 3.2-square of 2.4 = square of X
The solution is x = 4.48 under the root sign