Four point common circle of mathematical graph If this quadrilateral has a diagonal bisecting one corner, then bisecting the other corner?

Four point common circle of mathematical graph If this quadrilateral has a diagonal bisecting one corner, then bisecting the other corner?

Not necessarily, the arc of the two circumferences that the other angle is divided into is not necessarily equal

What does the law mean

I think it's some fixed laws of nature

Hard work is the law of getting everything

Hard work is the law of everything
==No pains, no gains. If you want to succeed, you must work hard. This is the same rule

The fourth level of Tao means law. What is this law?

What does the concept mean

Concept is the idea of generalization, that is, the idea of summarization

What is the theoretical basis of interior design

Interior design is based on the use of the nature of the building, the environment and the corresponding standards, the use of material and technical means and architectural design principles, to create a reasonable function, comfortable and beautiful, to meet the needs of people's material and spiritual life of the interior environment, At the same time, it also reflects the historical context, architectural style, environmental atmosphere and other spiritual factors. The purpose of interior design is to "create an interior environment that meets the needs of people's material and spiritual life". Modern interior design is a comprehensive interior environment design, which includes the problems of visual environment and engineering technology, It also includes physical environment such as sound, light and heat, psychological environment and cultural connotation such as atmosphere and artistic conception
Interior design refers to the preparation work to meet certain construction purposes (including people's requirements for its use function and visual feeling), and the value-added preparation work for deep processing of the existing building internal space. The purpose is to make the specific material in the technical, economic and other aspects, Under the limited conditions of feasibility, the preparation work to become a qualified product needs not only the knowledge of engineering technology, but also the theory and skills of art. Interior design is evolved from the decoration part of architectural design. It is the re creation of the internal environment of buildings. Interior design can be divided into two categories: public building space and home, Will also mention the moving line, space, color, lighting, function and other related important terms
Interior design generally refers to any related objects that can be actually built in the interior, including: wall, window, curtain, door, surface treatment, material, lighting, air conditioning, water and electricity, environmental control system, audio-visual equipment, furniture and decoration planning
Interior design style
[traditional style - Louvre]
Traditional style -- Louvre
Style classification
The formation of interior design style is a different trend of thought of the times and regional characteristics. Through creative conception and performance, it gradually develops into a representative form of interior design. A typical form of style is usually closely related to the local human factors and natural conditions, Although style is expressed in form, it has profound connotation of art, culture and social development. From this deep meaning, style does not stay or equal to form
Interior design style can be divided into: traditional style, modern style, and mixed style
Traditional style
Traditional interior style refers to the interior style with historical and cultural characteristics. Generally speaking, compared with modernism, it emphasizes the inheritance of historical culture and the continuation of humanistic characteristics. Traditional style is commonly known as Chinese style, European style and Islamic style, For example, European style can be divided into Gothic style, Baroque style, classical style, French baroque style, British baroque style, Ming and Qing style, Sui and Tang style, Huizhou style, Western Sichuan style, etc
Modern style
Modern style
[modern style - Bank of China building]
Modern style - Bank of China Building
Modern style originated from Bauhaus school founded in 1919. It emphasizes breaking through the old tradition, creating new buildings, paying attention to the function and spatial organization, giving full play to the formal beauty of the structure itself, with simple modeling, opposing redundant decoration, advocating reasonable construction technology, respecting the performance of materials, and paying attention to the configuration effect of the texture and color of materials, The non-traditional asymmetric composition method based on function layout is developed. The practical process operation is emphasized, and the connection between design and industrial production is emphasized
Mixed style
It is also called the mashup style, that is, the collocation of traditional and modern styles. Simultaneous interpreting can be a combination of different traditional styles.
Edit this section of interior design genre
Interior design school mainly refers to the art school of modernism interior design
High tech group
High tech group or weighing technology group pay attention to the performance of "high industrial technology", which has several obvious characteristics: firstly, they like to use the latest materials, especially stainless steel, aluminum-plastic plate or alloy materials, as the main materials for interior decoration and furniture design; secondly, they like to use the latest materials for furniture design
[interior design]
Interior design
Exposure of structure or mechanical organization, such as exposing indoor water pipes and air ducts, or using transparent household appliances with exposed mechanical parts; emphasizing the audio-visual function or automation facilities of modern rooms in terms of function, household appliances are the main furnishings with exquisite and delicate component nodes, The typical examples of high tech school are Pompidou national art and culture center in Paris, Hong Kong Bank of China, etc
Bright school
The bright group is also known as the silver group. In interior design, it boasts the precision and bright effect of new materials and modern processing technology. It often uses a large number of mirror and flat surface glass, stainless steel, polished granite and marble as decorative materials. In the lighting of indoor environment, it often uses projection, refraction and other new light sources and lamps, Under the foil of metal and mirror material, it forms a brilliant and dazzling indoor environment
White school
[white school Barcelona Museum of modern art]
White school Barcelona Museum of modern art
The work is mainly white, with an extraordinary and refined style and obvious unnatural effect, Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Charles graves, John hedjuk and Richard Meier are the representatives of the New York five. Their design ideas and theoretical principles are deeply influenced by the style school and Corbusier, He is very fond of pure architectural space, volume, cubism composition and light and shadow change in the sun, so he is also called renaissance of early modernism architecture
Style school
At the beginning of this century, the modern art school with Holland as the center, strictly speaking, is a branch of Cubism painting school. It thinks that art should eliminate the connection with any natural object, and only the smallest visual elements such as point, line and surface and primary color are the eternal art themes with universal significance. The representative of its interior design is ritweld, a carpenter, He fully expressed the idea of style school in furniture, art furnishings and other aspects. The emergence of style school made Bauhaus's art trend take a turn. The absolutely abstract visual language it created and the design works of its representatives had an extremely important impact on modern art, modern architecture and interior design
Minimalism, also translated as minimalism or micromoderism, is an art faction that rose in the 1960s after the Second World War. It can also be called "minimal art". As a reaction to abstract expressionism, it goes to the extreme and shows itself in its original form or form to the audience
[interior design]
Interior design
The former is the way of expression, which aims to eliminate the author's oppression of the viewer's consciousness, minimize the violence when the work appears as a text or symbol form, open the image space of the work itself in the artistic concept, let the viewer participate in the construction of the work independently, and finally become the author of the work without specific restrictions
Decorative art
Art Deco is an art style that emphasizes decoration and influences the style of architectural design, Its name comes from the world exposition and Exhibition Internationale des Arts D é coratifs et industries modernes held in Paris in 1925. When it became the main art style in Europe in the early 1920s, it was not popular in the United States. About 1928, it became the main art style in Europe, Art Deco was not popular in the United States until the 1930s when modernism was popular. Although the word Art Deco was created at the 1925 Expo, it was not widely used until the 1960s when it was reevaluated. Its practitioners did not cooperate as the design community with unified style. It was considered to be compromised, influenced by various resources, and also named many names
Postmodern style
Each theorist has his own different understanding, some think that it only refers to a certain design style, some think it is the name of the whole era after modernism. In the use of this name, the architectural theorists all over the world have not reached a unified standard and understanding. Generally speaking, the 1940s-60s is a period of monopoly of modernist architecture and internationalist style, In the late 1960s, after 30 years of internationalism monopolizing architecture, products and graphic design, world architecture is becoming more and more the same, local characteristics and national characteristics are gradually fading away, architecture and urban appearance are becoming more and more rigid and monotonous, coupled with Le Corbusier's rudeness, In the past, the humanized architectural form was gradually replaced by the dehumanized internationalist architecture. A group of young architects tried to change the face of internationalism, which led to the great revolution in architecture. American architect stern proposed that postmodernist architecture has three characteristics: decoration; symbolism or metaphor; integration with the existing environment
Postmodernism especially has a kind of pure rational rebellious psychology of modernism. Postmodernism emphasizes that architecture and interior design should have historical continuity, but it does not stick to the traditional logical way of thinking. It explores innovative modeling techniques, pays attention to human feelings, and often sets exaggerated, deformed, columnar and fractured arches in the interior, Or combine the abstract forms of classical components with new methods, that is, use non-traditional methods such as mixing, superposition, dislocation and fission, as well as symbolic and metaphorical means, In order to create a fusion of sensibility and rationality, set the traditional and modern, blend the public and experts in one, namely "this and that" architecture and interior environment. The post-modern style can not only be evaluated by the visual image, we need to analyze the image from the design idea
A postmodern architectural trend which started in the late 1980s. It is characterized by the fragmentation (deconstruction) of the whole. The main idea is to deal with the appearance and form the deformation and displacement of the relationship between architectural elements, such as floors and walls, through the design of nonlinear or non Euclidean geometry, Or structure and outline. The various deconstruction "styles" produced by the visual appearance of the completed building are characterized by stimulating unpredictability and controllable confusion. It is one of the manifestations of postmodernism
New appearance