What is the definition of precipitation? What is precipitation?

What is the definition of precipitation? What is precipitation?

Definition of precipitation
The water vapor condensates obtained from the atmosphere on the ground are generally called precipitation, which includes two parts: one is the condensation of water vapor directly on the ground or surface of ground objects and at low altitude, such as frost, dew, fog and fog, also known as horizontal precipitation; the other is the condensation of water vapor falling from the air to the ground, such as rain, snow, hail and rain, It is also called vertical precipitation. But pure frost, dew, fog and fog are not treated as precipitation. In our country, according to the ground observation standard of National Meteorological Administration, precipitation only refers to vertical precipitation, and horizontal precipitation is not treated as precipitation
In a day, the precipitation of more than 50 mm is rainstorm (heavy rain), the precipitation of more than 25 mm is heavy rain, the precipitation of 10-25 mm is moderate rain, the precipitation of less than 10 mm is light rain, the precipitation of more than 75 mm is heavy rain, and the precipitation of more than 200 mm is extraordinarily heavy rain
The formation of precipitation
The main processes of precipitation are as follows
① With the development of weather system, warm and humid air converges with cold air, forcing warm and humid air to be lifted by cold air, or climbing along the frontal slope by warm and humid air
② Local thermal convection in summer makes warm and humid air rise with strong convection to form small cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms
③ In most cases, it combined with the first two processes to affect the geographical distribution of precipitation
There are three conditions for precipitation
First, there should be sufficient water vapor; second, the gas block should be lifted and cooled; third, there should be more condensation nodules
Factors affecting precipitation
1. Sea route location
2. Topography
3. Atmospheric circulation
Precipitation determination
Rain gauge (1) measuring tool: rain gauge
It is an instrument used to measure the accumulated precipitation over a period of time. The common rain gauge shell is a metal cylinder, which is divided into upper and lower sections. The upper section is a water funnel with a diameter of 20 cm. In order to prevent the rain from splashing and maintain the area and shape of the container opening, the opening of the cylinder is made of hard copper, which is straight inside and inclined outside. A water storage bottle is placed in the lower section of the cylinder to collect the rain, Pour the rainwater into a special rain cup to read the millimetre of precipitation. In the snowfall season, take out the water storage bottle and replace it with the mouth of the cylinder without funnel. The snowflakes can be collected directly in the rain cone and read again after the snow melts. The weight of the snow can also be converted into millimetre according to the mouth area
(2) Measurement method: generally at 8:00 am and 20:00 am every day, add up the precipitation of a day, a month or a year to calculate the daily precipitation, monthly precipitation or annual precipitation of this place
Distribution of precipitation
Rainy areas all year round - near the equator, such as Singapore
Dry desert areas, polar areas, such as Cairo
It is rainy in summer, such as Beijing, on the east coast of the mainland near 30 ° N and 40 ° n
It is rainy in winter, such as Rome, on the west coast of the continent near 30 ° N and 40 ° n
Perennial humid area - the west coast of the mainland near 40 ° to 60 ° n, such as London
Precipitation chart
Precipitation histogram
Abscissa: month ordinate: precipitation
It can directly reflect the local precipitation and compare the precipitation of each month. It is easy to draw and watch
Precipitation map
Precipitation map is a map showing the spatial distribution, temporal variation and variation of precipitation. It usually shows the annual precipitation and precipitation days, the percentage of precipitation in each season to the total annual precipitation, precipitation intensity and precipitation variability. For example, the precipitation intensity in the precipitation map usually shows the daily average precipitation in rainy season, the annual 24-hour maximum precipitation and the 24-hour maximum precipitation with 100 year return period Large precipitation. The precipitation map is mainly represented by isolines and color layers. The distance between isolines is not completely equal. The distance between areas with large scale and small precipitation value is small, The sequence of 25-50-100-200-400-800-1000-1200-1400-1600-2000-2500-3000-3500-4000 is usually used in the national map of annual precipitation in China. The color layer is generally blue-green-yellow-orange, reflecting the zonal distribution of precipitation from more to less
The most precipitation
The world's "dry pole"
The Atacama Desert in South America is located on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world
The world's "rain pole"
The annual precipitation in 1861 is 20447mm. Kilapenzi in India is located on the windward slope of the southern foot of the Himalayas
World "wet pole"
Is it the wettest place in the world? It's said that it's the northeast slope of the waile mountains on Kauai Island in the Hawaiian Islands. It's called the "wet pole" of the world. The average annual rainfall from 1920 to 1972 was 11458mm, which is higher than the average annual rainfall of India's kilrapunqi, which has the highest annual rainfall record, I'm afraid it's not comfortable to live there
China's "wet pole"
The highest record of annual precipitation in China is huoshaoliao in Taiwan, with an average annual precipitation of 6558.7mm, and the largest annual precipitation of 8409mm
China's "Gan Ji"
The place with the least annual precipitation is tuxun in Turpan Basin. The average annual precipitation is only 5.9 mm. The number of days of annual precipitation is less than 10 days. In some years, there is no dripping water. On both sides of the highway in Turpan, houses made of cross hollow Earth bricks are common. This is the "drying room" specially used for making raisins. In the dry and rainy climate, grapes can be naturally dried in the "drying room", The famous Turpan raisin is made in this way

The concept of rainfall

Rainfall is a weather phenomenon that water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and drops to the earth's surface in different ways

What is the concept of rainfall 130 mm?
According to the latest information provided by Fujian Provincial Flood Control Office, affected by the typhoon, heavy rain and rainstorm occurred in Zhangzhou, Xiamen and other counties in the south of Fujian Province. Heavy rain occurred in Zhangzhou, with an average rainfall of 130 mm in Zhangpu, Dongshan, Pinghe and Yunxiao. The water level of Huashan stream, a tributary of Xixi of Jiulong River, kept rising. At 22:00 on the 17th, the water level station in Pinghe County reached the warning level, And continue to rise. Affected by the typhoon, Fujian coastal areas more than 10 strong winds

Rain water falling from the sky to the ground, without evaporation, infiltration and loss, accumulates on the horizontal plane. We call it rainfall (in mm), which can directly indicate the amount of rainfall. At present, the common instruments used in meteorological stations to measure rainfall are rain cones and measuring cups. The diameter of rain cones is generally 20 cm, It contains a funnel and a bottle. The diameter of the measuring cup is 4cm. Pour the rain water in the rain cone into the measuring cup. According to the scale on the cup, you can know the rainfall of the day
Weather tips
What is rainfall?
A few days ago, a letter from a reader asked, "how is rainfall measured? (for example, how is 20 mm of the 20 mm rainfall recorded in Huadu determined?"
The rainfall from the sky to the ground, without evaporation, infiltration, loss and accumulation of water depth on the surface of the water, we call rainfall (in mm), it can directly show the amount of rainfall
At present, the commonly used instruments for measuring rainfall include rain cone and measuring cup. The diameter of the rain cone is generally 20 cm, which contains a funnel and a bottle. The diameter of the measuring cup is 4 cm, which is used together with the rain cone. When measuring, pour the rain in the rain cone into the measuring cup, and you can know the rainfall of the day according to the scale on the cup
According to the regulations of China Meteorological Administration, the rainfall within 24 hours is called daily rainfall. The daily rainfall less than 10 mm is called light rain, 10.0-24.9 mm is moderate rain, 25.0-49.9 mm is heavy rain, the rainstorm is 50.0-99.9 mm, the rainstorm is 100.0-250.0 mm, and the rainstorm more than 250.0 mm is called extra heavy rain, In rainy Guangdong, a daily rainfall of more than 80 mm is called rainstorm; in less rainy Yan'an area of Shaanxi, a daily rainfall of more than 30 mm is called rainstorm(
Rainfall: refers to the total amount of rain, snow, hail, etc. falling to the ground from the atmosphere, as well as dew, frost, etc. condensed by water vapor, and its unit is mm
Rainfall intensity: refers to the rainfall in a unit period, in mm / min or mm / h. The rainfall intensity standards generally adopted by China's meteorological departments are as follows: light rain: less than 5 mm in 12 hours, or less than 10 mm in 24 hours; moderate rain: 5-14.9 mm in 12 hours, or 10-24.9 mm in 24 hours; heavy rain: 15-29.9 mm in 12 hours, The quantitative standard of rainstorm varies from place to place, depending on the specific situation. According to the general meteorological regulations, rainstorm can be divided into three levels: rainstorm: 12 hours rainfall equal to or greater than 30 mm, or 24 hours rainfall equal to or greater than 50 mm; rainstorm: 12 hours rainfall equal to or greater than 70 mm, Or 24-hour rainfall equal to or greater than 100 mm; torrential rain: 12 hour rainfall equal to or greater than 140 mm, or 24-hour rainfall equal to or greater than 250 mm

The variation of solar motion and radiation intensity
Don't use jargon

An 11 year cycle means an explosion every 11 years
Photosphere sunspot
Chromospheric flares and prominence
Coronal solar wind

How is radiation intensity defined?
Radiation intensity is the radiation energy of unit time, unit solid angle and unit area
But here are two questions:
1. Is area the area of radiation source or receiving area
2. Is the solid angle the angle of the source to the receiving point or the angle of the receiving area to the radiation point?
I hope to have a picture and a detailed description,

1. This area is the area of receiving area. For example, solar radiation intensity refers to the amount of solar radiation received per unit area and time on the ground
2. Solid angle is the angle of the source to the receiving point

What does radiation intensity have to do with?

If you regard radiation as an invisible light source, you will understand the radiation intensity well: 1. It is related to the emission intensity of the radiation source - equivalent to the power of the electric lamp; 2. It is related to the distance between the radiation source and the radiated point - equivalent to the distance between the light bulb and you; 3. It is related to the type of barrier between the radiation source and the radiated point

Does the solar horizontal radiation exist? Can the normal radiation exist

Normal direct radiation intensity - this is independent of the radiation intensity in the horizontal plane and represents the direct radiation received in a plane perpendicular to the radiation direction. It also includes direct radiation in all directions reaching the plane
The normal direction describes the direction of the research plane, not the direction of radiation

In order to measure the radiant power of the sun, the following experiments were carried out
In order to measure the radiation power of the sun, the following experiments were carried out: take a low drum with a cross-sectional area of 3dm2, fill 0.6kg of water, let the sun shine vertically for 20min at noon, and the measured water temperature increases by 10 degrees
Try to estimate the solar power, may use the following data
Solar mass m = 2 * 10 ^ 30kg
Earth mass m = 6 * 10 ^ 24kg
Gravitational constant G = 6.67 * 10 ^ (- 11) n * m / kg ^ 2
Earth radius r = 6.37 * 10 ^ 8M
This method, I will, is different from the answer. So it's pretty depressing. I hope you can give an answer to see if I am wrong or the standard answer is wrong
