What is the significance of improving power factor

What is the significance of improving power factor

Reactive power: that is, the power lost without doing work (in any way, you can understand it as the work that can not be converted into mechanical energy, such as the work consumed by oscillation in the inductor). My electricity consumption, usually (such as motor), is to do work with current (such as mechanical work). If the power factor of the power grid is small (active power / total power), the power consumption of the power grid is low, On behalf of doing the same work (such as the same number of revolutions of the motor), it will consume more energy (watt as the unit). Reactive power is the wasted energy (electricity). So reactive power is called "grid pollution". All major power grids have strict requirements on power factors to avoid waste, because reactive power is brought by inductive load, I haven't touched the motor for a long time, so the explanation may not be accurate and rigorous. ミづミ Ka ミ's sentiment: Generally speaking, improving power factor can make full use of power transmission and generation equipment

Transmission power kw

Is the power delivered, kW is the unit of power, that is, kW. 1kW = 1000W

What does power spectral density mean

For a signal or noise with continuous spectrum and finite average power, it is the frequency function of the power per unit bandwidth of its spectrum component. Note: 1 generally, the instantaneous power of a signal or noise is equal to the square of its instantaneous value. If the characteristic quantity is a field quantity, the square is proportional to the physical power

Meaning of positive power and negative power

The positive and negative power is mainly related to the current flow direction. It can be explained in two cases: 1. For the outgoing circuit, the output power of the bus is positive; for the incoming circuit, the power supplied to the bus is negative; 2. For the incoming circuit, the power supplied to the bus is positive; the output power of the bus is negative

W means power. What else does w mean?

It's a unit of power, Watt, and work

The concept of average power
If the engine does 6J of work in 2 seconds and turns off after 2 seconds, calculate the engine power in 4 seconds. Should t be 2 seconds or 4 seconds?
If the above conditions are the same, let's say to calculate the average power of the engine, then how should t be taken?

The first t = 4 seconds, the second t = 2;

What is the meaning of current doing work and how much energy is consumed?

From the problem, we can see that you have problems with the application of the control variable method. Due to our cognitive limitations, junior high school usually only studies the relationship between one variable and another variable, and does not study the relationship between several variables at the same time. 1

High school all about triangle formula and theorem, what inscribed circumscribed circle and triangle formula and so on
And a bunch of heart theorems

The center of the inscribed circle is at the intersection of the three middle lines of the triangle
The center of the circumscribed circle is at the intersection of the extension lines of the three high lines of the triangle
In a right triangle, if an angle is equal to 30 degrees, the opposite side of the angle is half of the hypotenuse
In a right triangle, the center line on the hypotenuse is half of the hypotenuse
In an isosceles triangle, the high line on the bottom is also the angle bisector of the vertex, and it is also the middle line of the bottom. The coincidence of three lines is also called three lines and one line
Use these first. Give me some points

"In the face of emergencies" high school 900 word composition, any subject matter is OK (except poetry of course) which expert can help, thank you very much~~~~~

Urgent for a high school English lesson draft, people's Education Edition. Thank you very much!

no problem!
Lesson presentation in senior high school English reading class
Unit 5 Canada the true north
Good afternoon everyone,
It is my great honor to be here to share my teaching ideas with you!The content I chose is the reading part of Unit 5.Now let me introduce it in detail.
The teaching goal of this period is to enable Ss to catch the main idea by fast reading.Then to find out the detailed information through careful reading.The third is to express themselves with the language learned in class.
The goal of learning ability is to develop Ss basic skills:Listening ,Speaking,Reading and Writing.Of course,the centre of this lesson is to practice reading,including predicting,skimming,scanning and digesting.Meanwhile I will encourage Ss to practice,participate and cooperate in the classroom activities, and provide the students with the situations where they can acquire knowledge naturally.
As for the teaching method,I will adopt communication method,task-based method and cooperation study method.With the help of the computer,I believe the efficiency of our class will be greatly improved.
The teaching steps are as follows:
Step 1 is Warming-up
In this step,I will ask Ss to talk about something about Canada and do the quiz on their books to arouse their interests in learning English.
Ask Ss to think about the question “What is the longest trip you have ever taken?” Then let the Ss to look at the map of Canada and discuss the question “If you take a trip to Canada,what do you think you might see there?” in pairs.And then look at the picture to predict the main idea of the passage.
Step3 Fast-reading
In this step,I will ask Ss to read the text as quickly as possible to catch the main idea of the passage and get a brief impression of Canada.By dong so,I will train Ss skimming skills.
Step 4 Careful-reading
In this step,I will let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the following questions according to the passage.The purpose is to train Ss to get some important facts and some detailed information and improve the ability of scanning skills.
Step 5 Post-reading
For the Ss to understand the text better,I will get the students to analyze several difficult sentences to smooth away the difficulties of understanding the text.And then I will give Ss 5 minutes to retell the passage.
Step 6 Discussion
In this step,the Ss will be asked to have a discussion in groups about the question,“If someday you go to Canada,where will you go?Why?” Then I will invite several groups to report their work to the whole class in public to overcome their shyness.I think to use the language is the most important,so while teaching them, I always provide more opportunities for Ss to practice and cooperate in our class.
Step 7 Summary
In this step,what the Ss will do is to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Canada as well as listening to the tape so that they can revise what they have learned in the class.
Step 8 Homework
Write a composition about the summary of the passage.
This is about my teaching,and during my teaching,I will try my best to make my class alive and encourage them to practice more and act more.I believe I can arouse their interests in learning English.
That’s all.Thank you.
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