In the experiment of measuring the resistance of small bulb by voltammetry, its experimental principle is as follows: The physical quantities measured in the experiment are () and () In addition to the power supply and small light bulb, the equipment used in the experiment also needs: The calculation formula of the resistance of the small bulb to be measured is as follows: Please draw a short circuit and open circuit diagram, + explain

In the experiment of measuring the resistance of small bulb by voltammetry, its experimental principle is as follows: The physical quantities measured in the experiment are () and () In addition to the power supply and small light bulb, the equipment used in the experiment also needs: The calculation formula of the resistance of the small bulb to be measured is as follows: Please draw a short circuit and open circuit diagram, + explain

The principle seems to be Ohm's law
Measured: the voltage at both ends of the small bulb, the current through the small bulb
Also need voltmeter, ammeter, sliding rheostat
Calculation formula: r = u / I
Forget the circuit diagram, I can't draw -- let me tell you the way. The small bulb is connected in series with the sliding rheostat. The voltmeter is connected at both ends of the small bulb. The ammeter is connected in series with the small bulb. It's a very simple diagram. Short circuit and open circuit are changed on it

In the experiment of "measuring the rated power of small light bulb", it is necessary to use______ Measure the size of the light bulb______ , with______ We're going to find out what's going through it______ According to the formula______ You can calculate the power of the small bulb

The experimental principle of measuring the power of a small bulb is: use a voltmeter to measure the voltage at both ends of the small bulb, use an ammeter to measure the current through the small bulb, and calculate the electric power of the small bulb according to P = UI. So the answer is: voltmeter; voltage; ammeter; current; P = UI

Experiment for measuring the rated power of small bulb (see Figure)
The power supply provided is 3 1.5V dry batteries, a "5 ohm 3A" sliding rheostat, and the rated voltage of the small bulb is one of 2.5V and 3.8V. It is estimated that the rated power of the small bulb is within 1.2W. After installing the small bulb, connect the experimental circuit correctly, close the switch, when the slide of the sliding rheostat is near the midpoint, the small bulb will light normally, and the ammeter will show 0.3A What is the rated power of your small bulb?

When the slide of the sliding rheostat is near the midpoint, the series resistance is about 5 / 2 = 2.5 Ω, and the current is known to be 0.3 A, then the voltage of the sliding rheostat is about 2.5 * 0.3 = 0.75 v
If the power supply is 1.5 * 2 = 3 V, the bulb voltage is about 3-0.75 = 2.25 v. if the power supply is 1.5 * 3 = 4.5 V, the bulb voltage is about 4.5-0.75 = 3.75 v
The normal lighting of the bulb indicates that the voltage is in line with the nominal voltage, so here it is 3.75 V, which is closer to 3.8 v. if the rheostat is less than 3.8 V at the midpoint, it can be determined that it is a 3.8 V bulb
The power is 3.8 * 0.3 = 1.14w

In the experiment of measuring the rated power of small light bulb, we must first understand the characteristics of small light bulb_____ And_____

In the experiment of measuring the rated power of small light bulb, it is necessary to know the [rated voltage] and [rated power] of small light bulb