Please design an experiment to measure the burning speed of mosquito repellent incense, and write down the required experimental equipment, experimental steps and physical quantities to be measured

Please design an experiment to measure the burning speed of mosquito repellent incense, and write down the required experimental equipment, experimental steps and physical quantities to be measured

Use a balance to weigh three equal mass strips of mosquito repellent incense (for example, 20g). At the same experimental site, that is to ensure that other external conditions are the same. After ignition, use a stopwatch to count the time. When the combustion is exhausted, record the combustion time, and then you can get the combustion speed. The unit is GGS
The reason for using three is to make the experimental data more accurate, and finally the average value can be taken

What is the experimental principle and equipment for measuring the resistance of small bulbs?

Circuit and equipment: connect the power supply, switch, ammeter and resistor into a closed loop with wires, and then connect the two terminals of the voltmeter with wires at both ends of the resistor. Pay attention to the positive and negative poles