Is it related to the respiration of plants that "grain should be dried in the sun before entering the warehouse"?

Is it related to the respiration of plants that "grain should be dried in the sun before entering the warehouse"?

If it is not dried in the sun, the humidity in the granary will increase and the seeds will germinate. However, the oxygen content in the center of the grain pile is low, so the seeds will breathe without oxygen and produce a lot of heat. Over time, the accumulated temperature in the center of the grain pile will increase! It will affect the grain storage and even cause fire!

What's the difference between crucian carp living in clear water and cold boiled water?
2. Make a hypothesis:
3. Formulate and implement the inquiry plan
4. Expected results:
5. Cause analysis:

Question: is crucian carp more suitable to live in clear water or cold boiled water?
Hypothesis: crucian carp is more suitable for survival in clear water
Experimental scheme: take several crucian carp of the same size and health condition, and two fish tanks of the same size, number tank a and tank B. add the same amount of cold boiled water and water standing for 2-3 days into the two tanks respectively, and add the same amount of crucian carp respectively. The two tanks are placed in the same suitable environment, standing for one day and night, and observe the situation
Expected results: most of the fish in tank a died, while the fish in tank B were basically healthy
Cause analysis: in boiling process, dissolved oxygen in water lost a lot, so fish in cold boiled water severe hypoxia, difficult to survive