[chemistry] design an experiment to prove that respiration produces carbon dioxide

[chemistry] design an experiment to prove that respiration produces carbon dioxide

Because I can't draw a picture, I use words to describe it. First of all, the experimental device from left to right is the gas washing bottle, the closed container, and the gas washing bottle. The devices are connected by rubber pipes. The left washing bottle is filled with sodium hydroxide solution, the closed container is filled with green plants, the right bottle is filled with clear calcium hydroxide solution, and then the left bottle is filled with air, If the solution in the bottle on the right becomes turbid after a period of time, this can be proved

The respiration of green plants produces carbon dioxide. Xiaoming conjectured that the germination process of seeds may also produce carbon dioxide. He designed the experimental device as shown in the figure. Open the valve of device D, the water level will drop, and the air will enter the device in turn. (1) according to the intention of the experimental design, if the muddy phenomenon of clarified lime water in device C is observed, Xiaoming's conjecture is correct Wei's strict Xiao Ting thinks that there are loopholes in the experiment, and she suggests that the experiment be carried out in the laboratory______ Optional: add a C device between AB, BC or CD) to make up for the deficiency of the experimental design in the figure above______ (2) please point out one of the advantages of D device______ .

(1) Before the air enters into B, the carbon dioxide in the air needs to be removed, so the device C should be added between ab. if the seed germination produces carbon dioxide, the lime water between ab will remain turbid, the lime water between BD will become turbid, the clarified lime water between AB and ab will remain turbid, and the clarified lime water between BD will become turbid, so fill in: the clarified lime water between AB and ab will remain turbid The lime water is not turbid, but the clarified lime water in BD becomes turbid; (2) the valve in D can control the speed of water flow, thus the speed of air into the air, so fill: the speed of air into the air can be controlled by controlling the speed of water flow

After learning respiration, a student designed an experimental device to verify the release of carbon dioxide by plant respiration. The flowerpots with wheat seedlings were tightly sealed with transparent plastic bags. After a period of sunlight, the gas in the plastic bags was squeezed into the liquid in the test tube, and then the experimental phenomena were observed, Please answer the questions according to the experiment: (1) the liquid in the test tube should be____ (2) according to his assumption, when the gas of the plastic bag is squeezed into the liquid, what he sees should be___________________________ Results we did not see the phenomenon in (1). The reason for the failure of the experiment is that__________ During the experiment, the environment of the device should be:___________ (3) During the discussion with the students, some students proposed to set up a similar device, but the flowerpot is not a wheat seedling, but some notes. What is the purpose of this student_____________

Lime water; lime water becomes turbid; photosynthesis absorbs carbon dioxide; no light conditions; contrast is breathing carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide in plastic bags

Do animals and plants inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide?
Such as the title
Please explain. Thank you.

Animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide
Plants breathe: inhale oxygen and carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen through respiration