What do you think of the circuit diagram of the sliding rheostat? What is the current direction? What is the physical diagram? Why do you want to connect three terminals? What's the current direction? What's the physical picture? Why do you want to connect three terminals? I'm not sure!

What do you think of the circuit diagram of the sliding rheostat? What is the current direction? What is the physical diagram? Why do you want to connect three terminals? What's the current direction? What's the physical picture? Why do you want to connect three terminals? I'm not sure!

After that, you can use any pole of the power supply and the terminal on the rheostat as a new power supply, and connect other electrical appliances according to the requirements, such as circuit diagram and physical connection. The current flow is more abstract! You come out from the positive pole, Then go according to the direction of the wire! Part of the rheostat is connected with the external electrical appliances. Pay attention to the shunt over there!

What is the function of sliding rheostat in the experiment design of measuring the resistance of small light bulb?

Current limiting and voltage dividing, protection circuit

Sliding rheostat plays an important role in measuring the resistance of small bulb
In addition to the protection circuit
There is also a major role, right

Change the voltage of resistance and other electrical appliances in the circuit

In the experiment of measuring the resistance of small bulb, what is the significance of connecting sliding rheostat?

This is voltammetry
1) protection circuit
2) adjust the voltage at both ends of the resistance and the current in the circuit to make the experiment more accurate
3) changing the total resistance in the circuit is equivalent to increasing the length of the wire in the circuit, which plays the role of voltage division