With the principle of dialectical relationship between material and consciousness, this paper explains the significance of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts to China's socialist modernization

With the principle of dialectical relationship between material and consciousness, this paper explains the significance of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts to China's socialist modernization

The relationship between proceeding from reality, acting according to laws and seeking truth from facts
Today, I underestimated the relationship between the review of reference books {proceeding from reality} and {following the law and seeking truth from facts}
They are different from each other. When it comes to the connection between the two, they are inseparable. Everything proceeding from reality is done according to the law, the premise and basis of seeking truth from facts, and doing things according to the law and seeking truth from facts is the concrete manifestation of everything proceeding from reality
Why is this sentence

Materialism holds that: matter determines consciousness, matter is primary, consciousness is secondary, consciousness has active reaction to matter; at the same time, law is objective and can not be changed, people can only follow the law in the process of transforming the objective world, can not change the law