On the meaning of absoluteness and relativity of truth

On the meaning of absoluteness and relativity of truth

Truth is objective and does not depend on human will, so it is absolute
Any truth has its own applicable conditions and scope. Once beyond the applicable conditions and scope, truth will become fallacy

How to understand the absoluteness and relativity of truth and their relationship? What is the significance of mastering this principle?

Because the fundamental attribute of truth is objectivity, there is only one truth, so it is absolute
Because truth is concrete and conditional, it is relative
So truth is the unity of absoluteness and relativity
This principle needs to be recited. I'm a sophomore in high school,

How to correctly understand the meaning of absoluteness and relativity of truth and their dialectical relationship

Answer: truth is concrete and developing. The absoluteness and relativity of truth are dialectically unified
On the one hand, there is absoluteness in relativity, and absoluteness lies in relativity; on the other hand, there is relativity in absolute value, and the absoluteness of truth is expressed through relativity, and the sum of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth
2. Truth is always in the process of transformation and development from relative to absolute, which is the law of truth development, It is a process from relative truth to absolute truth and approaching absolute truth. Any understanding of truth is a link in the process of transformation from relative truth to absolute truth

The phenomenon of the law of negation
Please give me a phenomenon that conforms to the law of negation of negation

It's like this. You may feel like you're always going around in circles and making no progress in your life. For example, when you were very young, you were perceptual. After a period of accumulation, you found that you were biased towards rationality. However, as soon as the rational habit came into being, you became perceptual again. On the surface, it seems that you are regressing and retreating. In fact, you are spiraling up. Everything is like this