The following proposition contains the thought of the law of negation of negation in traditional Chinese philosophy A never break, never go back If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it. If you want to abolish it, you must strengthen it C is metabolized in the ebb and flow to see its new development D This is a multi topic study

The following proposition contains the thought of the law of negation of negation in traditional Chinese philosophy A never break, never go back If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it. If you want to abolish it, you must strengthen it C is metabolized in the ebb and flow to see its new development D This is a multi topic study


19. The following proposition contains the thought of the law of negation of negation in traditional Chinese philosophy
19. The following proposition contains the thought of the law of negation of negation in traditional Chinese philosophy
A. "No injustice, no return"
B. "If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it", "if you want to abolish it, you must strengthen it"
C. "Metabolism of prosperity and withering and new"
D. "He Shi Sheng"
Please explain each sentence!

I choose ad
The two "no" in a sentence are not difficult to understand
B there is only one "no" in each of the two quotation marks
C loop, not around "no no"
"He" in D sentence is "no no", the inevitable end result is "affirmative", that is, "biological" (strong momentum, obvious dialectics), I don't know "Shi" in the sentence

(Politics of senior one) explain the significance of promoting the modernization of China's agricultural science and technology innovation with the relevant knowledge of agriculture?
Don't answer too deeply

Methods: viewpoint + analysis + current politics 1. Agriculture is the foundation of national economy. 2. New rural construction 3. Industry nurtures agriculture. Cities support rural areas 4. Create independent brands. 5. Bring in and go out 6. Increase investment in science and technology, science and technology is the first productive force 7. Practice of scientific outlook on development 8. Transfer of land management rights 9. College students go to the countryside to bring advanced science

What is the important role of science and technology in agriculture?
What is the important role of science and technology in agriculture,

Breeding, weather forecast, annual climate, reasonable planting and so on can increase the yield, improve the productivity of agriculture, promote the development of society and promote the progress of history

The role of scientific and technological progress in social development

Scientific progress has promoted the information revolution of human beings. It is human production that has been improved. The improvement of productivity is the change of production relations that leads to social progress