What is the meaning of vector separation in genetic engineering

What is the meaning of vector separation in genetic engineering

Generally, the construction of vector needs the help of E.coli. Because the construction of vector needs ligation reaction, because the number of successfully ligated vectors is very small, it is necessary to clone the vector, so the ligation product must be transferred into E.coli for replication, However, it is generally necessary to separate a large number of vectors (plasmids) after replication before the next experiment. Vector separation is a method of extracting vectors (plasmids) from E. coli, including subtractive small quantity method, subtractive large quantity method, kit method and so on

What does bilingual course of genetic engineering mean

I once took a bilingual course in animal physiology. It's a tragedy. I can't understand it

Application of animal genetic engineering

Gene therapy
Gene vaccine
Breeding new varieties
Research on Developmental Biology
Research on gene regulation and function

Transgenic technology is the application of genetic engineering. Its ultimate purpose is "reason"?
A. Directional extraction of biological genes B. gene modification in vitro
C. Directed segregation of genes D. genetic characters of directed transformation organisms

Let's look at the definition of transgenic technology
Transgenic technology is the introduction of artificially isolated and modified genes into the genome of organisms. Due to the expression of the introduced genes, the characteristics of organisms can be genetically modified. This technology is called transgenic technology. Among them, "causing the heritable modification of the characteristics of organisms" shows his ultimate goal
So choose D