The relationship between genetic engineering and human society?

The relationship between genetic engineering and human society?

Genetic engineering and crop breeding: in the aspect of crop production, we have cultivated excellent crops and new varieties with high yield, stable yield and stress resistance; in the aspect of animal husbandry, scientists have cultivated transgenic cows, super sheep and other transgenic animals by means of genetic engineering

How to understand science and technology as the first productive force

First, science and technology is an important factor and force in promoting the development of modern productive forces. Marx clearly pointed out that the development of machine production requires the conscious application of natural science, "productive forces also include science", "labor productive forces develop with the continuous progress of science and technology."

Science and technology is the first productive force, the meaning of "first"

There are three main elements of productivity: laborers, labor tools and labor objects (including raw materials of natural objects after labor processing). Obviously, if science and technology are mastered by laborers, it will become labor productivity; if science and technology materialize into labor tools and labor objects, it will become material productivity. Management is also productivity

How to understand the world outlook, outlook on life and values?

World outlook: People's general and fundamental view of the world. Due to people's different social status and different perspectives of observing problems, different world outlook is formed. It is also called cosmology. Philosophy is its theoretical manifestation. The basic problem of world outlook is the relationship between spirit and material, thinking and existence