Find the definition of true proposition and false proposition in mathematics

Find the definition of true proposition and false proposition in mathematics

True proposition is correct proposition, that is, if the proposition is true, then the conclusion must be true
For example: two parallel lines are cut by the third straight line, and the internal stagger angle is equal
False proposition: the general form of proposition is "if + condition, then + conclusion"

What is the meaning of proposition in mathematics

It's a judgment, but it's not necessarily right
For example: the sum of the internal angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, and a quadrilateral is a square

How to determine the proposition and conclusion

The sentence to judge a thing is called a proposition. No matter whether the statement of a proposition is long or short, it must be composed of proposition and conclusion, and every proposition must be able to use "if Then, the form of "two" is used to narrate. If the content after "two" is "topic setting" and the content after "Dao Jing Mo" is "knot

Point out the proposition and conclusion of the following proposition
(1) If ab ⊥ CD, perpendicular foot is O, then ∠ AOC = 90 °
(2) Two straight lines are parallel and have the same angle
(3) If two lines are not parallel in the same plane, they must intersect
(4) Any two right angles are equal!

(1) If ab ⊥ CD, perpendicular foot is O, then ∠ AOC = 90 degree. (2) two straight lines are parallel, the same angle is equal. (3) two straight lines are not parallel in the same plane, they must intersect. (4) any two right angles are equal So... " "If" is followed by "if"