What's the meaning of the above text and the next department?

What's the meaning of the above text and the next department?

The following results are provided by the Chinese Dictionary: radical stroke radical: external stroke: 4 total stroke: 10 five strokes 86: yxiu five strokes 98: yxiu Cangjie: ykvif stroke order No.: 4134554234 four corner No.: 00903 Unicode:CJK Unified Chinese character U + 7d0a basic meaning

The meaning of every word in the classical Chinese
The people of Zheng, who want to buy shoes, first measure their own feet, then set them to sit. When they arrive at the market, they forget to hold them. When they have got shoes, they say, "I forget to hold them." instead, they return to take them. When the market stops, they can't take them. People say, "why don't you try it enough?" he says, "I'd rather believe in it than be confident." don't write the whole passage

Zheng Guo had a man who wanted to buy shoes. He first measured his feet and then put them on his seat. When he was ready to go to the market, he forgot to take the measured size. After he chose the shoes in the market, he remembered that he forgot to take the size. He said, "I forgot to take the measured size." so he went back to get the size

Seeking documents: exercises and answers of "reading has weight"

When I was young, I read two sentences on the title page of John Christophe. I was deeply moved. For the first time, I experienced the weight of reading and felt "calm and strength". 3. No contradiction. "Heavy" refers to a kind of spiritual strength and substantial inner harvest brought by reading

Read the answers to the passage "the river.",
1. Lying in front of it is its dry body, crisscross stones, speechless about the vicissitudes
This sentence is used___________ Rhetorical devices have the function of expression__________
2. In the third part of the fourth paragraph, the expression of "Xiaode" appears in three places____________________________________________
3. Combined with the full text, understand the meaning of the sentence "we don't want to be dry fish, but we are likely to turn ourselves into dry fish" in paragraph 14____________________________________________
4. Combined with the full text, I want to talk about the meaning of the title "that river"
Shallow meaning__________________________________
Deep meaning__________________________________

The whole sentence expresses the author's indignation at people's destruction of the natural environment
Its expression function is: "small" describes the fragility of small life and the dangerous and miserable situation under the harm of human beings
Many rivers are dried up and polluted. Love is dried up. The river bed in our heart is no longer the reflection of blue waves, but filled with sewage and rubbish. How can I open the pure water source in my heart and revive the dead river?
Shallow meaning: refers to the river in the author's hometown
Deep meaning: all the rivers on the earth, even the natural environment around us