The sixth grade of primary school, Volume 1

The sixth grade of primary school, Volume 1

1.45+15×6= 135 2.250÷5×8=400 3.6×5÷2×4=60 4.30×3+8=98 5.400÷4+20×5= 200 6.10+12÷3+20=34 7.(80÷20+80)÷4=21 8.70+(100-10×5)=120 9.360÷40= 9 10.40×20= 800 11.80-25= 55 12.70+45=115 13.90×...

Oral arithmetic for grade three of primary school

It's the latest revision,
The first question on page one is five sixths plus five twelfth. The second question is two minus one and one fifth
What's more, the friend who said using computer, how to use computer to calculate score addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?

You have to do it yourself, you know? It's wrong to rely on others all the time
Work hard, I believe you can do it! Come on!

I'd like to ask for the answer to the mental arithmetic card of the people's education press of the fifth grade volume 1
Just page 112 to page 138

It is suggested that you send the questions one by one in the future, otherwise it is impossible for you to get answers