What is the main source of the earth's energy What happens to this energy? What's released

What is the main source of the earth's energy What happens to this energy? What's released

It is mainly from the radiation from the sun. Hydrogen fusion reaction takes place on the sun, producing a lot of heat and light

Where does the earth's heat come from?
It's the heat of the earth

The temperature of lava ejected by volcanoes on the earth is as high as 1200oc ~ 1300oc, and the temperature of natural hot springs is mostly above 60oC, some even as high as 100oC ~ 140oC. This shows that the earth is a huge heat reservoir, which contains huge heat energy. So where does geothermal come from? To answer this question, we need to start from the structure of the earth
The earth can be seen as a solid sphere with a radius of about 6370km. Its structure is like a half cooked egg, which is mainly divided into three layers. The surface of the earth is equivalent to an eggshell, which is called "crust". Its thickness varies from several thousand meters to 70km. The lower surface of the crust is the "middle layer", which is equivalent to chicken protein, also called "mantle". It is mainly composed of molten magma, Its thickness is about 2900km. The inner part of the crust, which is equal to the yolk, is called "core"
The temperature of each layer of the earth is very different. For every 100 meters below the surface, the temperature increases by 3 OC. In the geothermal anomaly area, the temperature increases faster with the depth. When a well in North China Plain reaches 1000 meters, the temperature is 46.8 OC; when it reaches 2100 meters, the temperature rises to 84.5 OC. When another well reaches 5000 meters, the bottom temperature is 180 OC, The temperature of the bottom of the crust and the upper mantle is about 1100 OC ~ 1300 OC, and that of the core is about 2000 OC ~ 5000 OC
It is generally believed that the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the earth's materials. It is estimated that in the history of the earth, the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the earth's interior averaged 5 trillion calories per year. This is a huge heat source, According to the technical report of the UN new energy conference held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, the potential resources of global geothermal energy are about 450000 times of the total global energy consumption. The total amount of underground heat energy is about 170 million times of the heat released by coal combustion. Abundant geothermal resources are waiting for us to develop

Why is the earth hot

There is a heat source inside the earth, which is certain. This heat source is just the expression of the energy inside the earth, which was brought by the formation of the earth, and is constantly receiving the supplement of energy from the sun and interstellar space

It's about the energy of the earth
Is it true that the earth is receiving the energy radiated by other stars all the time? From E = MC2, e is increasing and M is also increasing. Or is it true that the earth is receiving energy and radiating energy outwards constantly, resulting in the total energy unchanged? But I think the received energy should be less than the radiated energy

From the aspect of radiation, as long as the temperature of the earth's surface is regarded as constant, the absorbed and released energy is equal. However, the organisms on the earth's surface will absorb radiation and save energy, which will inevitably lead to the increase of the earth's total energy. According to the mass energy equation, the increase of energy and mass will certainly increase, But the earth will also lose energy in other ways. For example, Chang'e-2, which we just launched, will take away a lot of energy and mass. Natural disasters such as volcanoes and earthquakes will also lose the earth's energy. Therefore, it is meaningless to calculate accurately