Water cycle is a system in which water bodies on the earth are interconnected, making the hydrosphere a state Through water circulation, it supplies land continuously, moistening land and feeding life

Water cycle is a system in which water bodies on the earth are interconnected, making the hydrosphere a state Through water circulation, it supplies land continuously, moistening land and feeding life

Water cycle is one of the most important factors on earth_ The interlinked ties make the water cycle known as a cycle_ Through water circulation, water circulation is the link between the water bodies on the earth, making the hydrosphere a dynamic system

Water cycle of the earth
The water cycle is the link of the earth's various regions, which makes the hydrosphere a system. Through the water cycle, the earth can be supplied continuously, moistening the land and nurturing life

Water body

What is the most important water cycle on earth

Sea land cycle
Keep the water balance

Most of the heat in troposphere comes directly from?

Radiation from the ground