Does the vertical motion of the atmosphere refer to the thermal circulation Does vertical motion in atmospheric motion mean thermal circulation? I think thermal circulation includes both horizontal and vertical motion

Does the vertical motion of the atmosphere refer to the thermal circulation Does vertical motion in atmospheric motion mean thermal circulation? I think thermal circulation includes both horizontal and vertical motion

The vertical motion of the atmosphere is only a condition leading to the thermal circulation. The vertical motion of the atmosphere is not a thermal circulation
You can refer to the definition of thermal circulation,
The air circulation formed by uneven surface heat and cold is called thermal circulation. It is the simplest form of atmospheric motion
The uneven heating of the air near the surface causes the upward or downward movement of the air flow, the difference of the air pressure on the same horizontal plane, the horizontal movement of the atmosphere and the formation of the thermodynamic circulation
Thermal circulation is the simplest form of atmospheric movement, which is formed by the uneven heat and cold on the ground. Its formation process is as follows: the atmosphere expands and rises in the heated area, forming a low pressure near the ground and a high pressure in the upper air; in the cold area, on the contrary, forming a pressure difference between the near ground and the upper air, promoting the horizontal movement of the atmosphere, forming a thermal circulation in the upper and lower air
At the same height above the ground, the weight of the air column per unit area (i.e. air pressure) in the hot place is high, while the air pressure in the upper air of the cold place is low, resulting in the formation of hot cold air flow. After the loss of air flow in the hot place, the whole air column is reduced, resulting in low pressure on the ground, high pressure in the cold place, and cold hot air flow near the ground, It forms the thermal circulation