The reason why it is too cold at high altitude at the same latitude is () A. Low air pressure B. thin air C. less solar radiation arriving D. less ground radiation arriving

The reason why it is too cold at high altitude at the same latitude is () A. Low air pressure B. thin air C. less solar radiation arriving D. less ground radiation arriving

In the same latitude and longitude, the higher the altitude, the farther away from the heat source, the less the surface radiation

What are the main factors affecting the air pressure?

1. It's easy to think of the altitude. The higher the altitude, the lower the air pressure
2. The degree of surface heating, because the air will expand when heated, the surface pressure will decrease
3. The movement of air in the vertical plane, the existence of updraft will reduce the surface pressure, downdraft will increase the surface pressure

How to judge the main factors affecting the climate of a place in geography
For example, the Tibetan Plateau has a low latitude but a cold climate
This kind of question is how to judge is what factor? Say clearly!

From the analysis of atmosphere, underlying surface and ocean current
As far as the atmosphere is concerned, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is over 30 degrees
The underlying surface is the terrain, so it is only affected by the terrain and the climate is cold
Conversely, the basin has a low terrain, so it is also a topographic factor
There are three kinds of analysis in the title
Really, I just graduated from liberal arts in senior three