The main factors affecting climate are a. latitude B. geomorphology C. atmospheric circulation D. land sea distribution But I'm wrong in choosing a

The main factors affecting climate are a. latitude B. geomorphology C. atmospheric circulation D. land sea distribution But I'm wrong in choosing a

It should be a. because of different latitudes, the solar radiation is different, so the climate is different

The significance of atmospheric circulation: it can regulate the distribution of and between high latitude and low latitude, sea and land, and has an important influence on the distribution of and around

Heat moisture weather climate

Under what circumstances is the climate affected by the atmospheric circulation, the distribution of land and sea, and the latitude

As the name suggests, the atmospheric circulation is the movement of the atmosphere. How is the climate affected by the atmosphere? That is, the movement of the atmosphere changes the climate. For example, in the westerly belt, trade wind belt, or high-pressure belt, low-pressure belt, different atmospheric movements in different periods lead to different climates in the region. The distribution of sea and land is located in the coastal or inland

The difference of total radiation is a complex value. The annual average temperature does not decrease year by year. What are the main influencing factors, such as topography, land sea distribution, atmospheric circulation or land sea position

The influence of the atmospheric circulation. The atmospheric circulation brings heat from other areas. Of course, the ocean current also has this effect