The main achievements of ancient physics in China

The main achievements of ancient physics in China

China's ancient physics achievements - the book of changes. The advanced nature of space and time in Europe, people's understanding of time and space was fragmented and isolated. Until the early twentieth Century, relativity had unified the space and time scientifically. But in ancient China, far from the pre Qin period, philosophers had not only considered space and time together.

Ancient Chinese scientists' exploration and achievement of physical phenomena

Shen Kuo, the author of MengXiBiTan, is a scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty. He is versatile, but most of his works are lost. There are several kinds of works, such as MengXiBiTan and LiangFang. His research is very extensive, including natural science and social science. And MengXiBiTan is the scientific crystallization of his life

What is the basic principle of telephone

Telephone communication is a kind of communication technology which transfers sound energy and electric energy and uses electricity as a medium to transmit language. The simplest way for two users to communicate is to connect two telephones with a pair of lines
a) When the speaker picks up the phone and talks to the transmitter, the vibration of the vocal cord excites the air to vibrate, forming sound waves
b) Sound wave acts on the transmitter to produce current, which is called voice current
c) The voice current is transmitted to the receiver of the opposite telephone along the line,
d) The receiver, on the other hand, is just the opposite of the transmitter, which converts the current into sound waves and transmits them to the human ear through the air
In this way, the simplest call process is completed
The key is that the service provider should establish a complete set of telephone gateway on the Internet. The so-called telephone gateway refers to a computer telephone system that can connect the Internet and the public telephone network. One end of the computer telephone system is connected with the Internet, and the other end is a telephone system that can make calls. When users access the Internet, they use the special network telephone software, The voice can be digitally compressed by microphone and sound card, and the signal is transmitted to the nearest telephone gateway. The telephone gateway converts the digital signal into an analog signal that can be transmitted on the public telephone network, and connects the telephone number of the other party, so that both parties can talk through the Internet telephone gateway

What is the basic principle of physics of lever principle?

The basic principle of physics of lever principle is [physics], [mechanics], [statics], [balance of objects], [balance of objects with fixed rotation axis]
Moment balance: if an object is in balance, the resultant force of the external force is 0. The sum of the external force's moments is 0. (the algebraic sum of the moments is 0. The sum of the clockwise (negative) moments is equal to the sum of the counterclockwise (positive) moments.)