After cutting off a section of the spring of an accurate spring scale, readjust the zero point, and then measure the gravity of the same object, the reading is compared with the original () A. Bigger B. smaller C. unchanged D. uncertain

After cutting off a section of the spring of an accurate spring scale, readjust the zero point, and then measure the gravity of the same object, the reading is compared with the original () A. Bigger B. smaller C. unchanged D. uncertain

After a section of a spring is cut off, the elongation of the spring will be shorter under the same tension. Therefore, after a section of the spring of an accurate spring scale is cut off, the zero point will be readjusted, and then the gravity of the same object will be measured, and the reading will be smaller than the original

Working principle of spring dynamometer: the spring is in a certain range___

The extension of the spring is proportional to the tension

What is the working principle of the spring dynamometer
1. Hang a piece of metal on the hook of the spring dynamometer. When they move in a straight direction at a constant speed, the following statement is correct
A. The resultant force on the spring dynamometer is zero
B. The resultant force on the metal block is not zero
C. The gravity of the metal block is greater than the tension of the spring dynamometer
D. The gravity of the metal block and the tension of the metal block on the spring dynamometer are a pair of balance forces
It should be a, but why?

A. The resultant force on the spring dynamometer is zero
Remember: the resultant force of any object moving in a uniform straight line is zero!
Analysis: a piece of metal is hung on the hook of the spring dynamometer, and a person pulls the spring dynamometer to move in a uniform and straight line. At this time, the gravity of the piece of metal = the pulling force of the person

Working principle of spring dynamometer:______ .

The principle of the spring dynamometer: within the elastic limit, the greater the tension on the spring, the longer the extension of the spring. So the answer is: within the elastic limit, the greater the tension on the spring, the longer the extension of the spring