What is the meaning of 20Pa?

What is the meaning of 20Pa?

The physical meaning of 20Pa is: the pressure on every square meter is 20n, which is 20Pa (Pascal)

The physical meaning of e
His unit is Joule.

It depends
It may be electric field strength, electromotive force, energy
The unit is Joule, which means that it must be energy, but the specific energy should be analyzed according to the topic
Kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, electric energy It's all possible

Definition of pressure. Physical meaning of pressure expression
Two ~ scientific point, not Baidu Encyclopedia

Definition: in physics, the pressure on the unit area of an object is called pressure
Meaning: the physical quantity indicating the effect of pressure

What is the meaning of cross product in physics?
What is the physical meaning of cross product in physics?
I just studied college physics. I don't know much about angular momentum. What's the meaning of cross product?
By the way, what is the meaning of cross product in mathematics and linear algebra?
What is inner product? What is outer product?

Cross product
Dot product is also called inner product and scalar product of vector. As the name suggests, the result is a number
Vector a · vector b = |a|b|cos
In physics, the work of known force and displacement is actually the inner product of vector F and vector s, that is, point multiplication
Cross product, also known as the vector product, vector product. As the name suggests, the result is a vector, remember that the vector is C
|Vector C | = | vector a × vector B | = | - a | - B | - Sin
The direction of vector C is perpendicular to the plane of a and B, and the direction should be judged by the "right hand rule" (the four fingers of the right hand first represent the direction of vector a, and then the fingers swing towards the palm of the hand to the direction of vector B, and the direction pointed by the thumb is the direction of vector C)
The outer product of a vector does not obey the multiplicative commutation rate because
Vector a × vector b = - vector B × vector a
In physics, if we know the force and the arm of force, the moment is the outer product of vector
The vector is represented by coordinates (three-dimensional vector),
If vector a = (A1, B1, C1), vector b = (A2, B2, C2),
Vector a · vector b = A1A2 + b1b2 + C1C2
Vector a × vector b=
| i j k|
|a1 b1 c1|
|a2 b2 c2|
(I, J and K are the unit vectors of three mutually perpendicular coordinate axes in space respectively)