Is the remarkable effect of ultraviolet radiation chemical? Specific examples

Is the remarkable effect of ultraviolet radiation chemical? Specific examples

Change the nature of matter

Does hydroxypropyl - β - cyclodextrin have chemical or physical interaction with substance?

Generally, wrapping is physical action, depending on intermolecular force, but if the matrix can react with wrapping material chemically, it will be different

Principle of detergent degreasing

It is based on the principle of emulsification. Specifically, it is mainly with the help of emulsifier. Generally, it is amphiphilic molecule (both hydrophilic and lipophilic). The lipophilic end of emulsifier can wrap the oil stains on clothes inside and the hydrophilic end is exposed outside. According to the principle of similar solubility, the "oil stains on clothes" wrapped by emulsifier can be dispersed into water and washed down
The structure of detergent is divided into two parts, the shape of which is × - →
One end (with polarity) is a hydrophilic group which is easy to combine with water,
One end (nonpolar) is a lipophilic base which is easy to combine with oil
When the detergent is dissolved in water to clean the dirt, the lipophilic base will insert into the oil, and the hydrophilic base will be surrounded by a large number of water molecules. (shaped like an arrow inserted into the body of a prey). After rubbing, the dirt will be dragged off the utensils and clothes
We use shampoo to wash our hair. It's only the oil secreted by the hair