What's the difference between gasoline and detergent in principle

What's the difference between gasoline and detergent in principle

Gasoline dissolves oil because it's similar to detergent because it ionizes ions to remove dirt

What's the difference between detergent and gasoline?
Try to be concise

Degreasing with detergent is a chemical reaction, which is different from degreasing with gasoline. It is a physical action

Is it the same principle to wash clothes with gasoline and detergent to remove oil stains

Not the same. Gasoline dissolves the oil, and detergent emulsifies the oil into small oil droplets

What is the principle of detergent oil removal, or the chemical equation of its reaction?

Hello, detergents to remove oil is a kind of emulsification! Using soda instead can be expressed as: soda hydrolysis to generate hydroxyl ions, alkali promotes the hydrolysis of oil, to generate water-soluble substances and remove: Na2CO3 H2O = (should be reversible) NaHCO3 NaOH; esters hydrolyze in alkaline environment to generate stearic acid and alcohols