What is the meaning and characteristics of modern enterprise system Urgent! These two days! Thank you!

What is the meaning and characteristics of modern enterprise system Urgent! These two days! Thank you!

Modern enterprise system
1. The definition of modern enterprise system
To define the modern enterprise system, we need to grasp four basic points
First, from the perspective of production relations, modern enterprise system corresponds to market economy;
Second, from the perspective of productivity, modern enterprise system corresponds to socialized mass production;
Third, from the legal point of view, the modern enterprise system corresponds to the enterprise legal person system;
Fourth, from the perspective of property rights, the modern enterprise system corresponds to the limited liability system
Therefore, the modern enterprise system refers to a set of scientific enterprise organization system and management system, which takes the market economy as the premise, the standardized and perfect enterprise legal person system as the main body, the limited liability system as the core, and adapts to the requirements of socialized mass production
2. The core content of modern enterprise system
(1) standard and perfect enterprise legal person system;
(2) strict and clear limited liability system;
(3) scientific enterprise organization system;
(4) scientific enterprise management system;
(5) its operation environment is market economy system;
(6) its production technology is socialized mass production
3. The basic characteristics of modern enterprise system
(1) the ownership of state-owned assets in the enterprise belongs to the state, and the enterprise owns all the legal person property rights formed by investors including the state, and becomes a legal entity with civil rights and civil liabilities
(2) with all its legal person property, the enterprise shall operate independently according to law, be responsible for its own profits and losses, pay taxes according to regulations, and bear the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of its assets to the investors
(3) the investor enjoys the rights and interests of the owner according to the amount of capital invested in the enterprise, that is, the right to benefit from the assets, make major decisions and choose the manager. When the enterprise goes bankrupt, the investor is only responsible for the debt of the enterprise with the amount of capital invested in the enterprise
(4) enterprises should organize production and operation according to market demand, with the purpose of improving labor productivity and operating efficiency, and the government should not directly intervene in the production and operation activities of enterprises. Enterprises should survive the fittest in the market competition, and those with long-term losses and insolvency should go bankrupt according to law
(5) establish a scientific enterprise leadership system and organization management system, regulate the relationship among owners, managers and employees, and form a management mechanism combining incentive and restraint

What is the definition of factor

The integer a can be divided by the integer B. A is called the multiple of B, and B is called the factor or divisor of a (in the range of natural numbers). For example: 6 △ 2 = 3, 1, 2, 3 and 6 are the factors of 6. The factors of 6 are: 1 and 6, the factors of 2 and 3.10 are: 1 and 10, the factors of 2 and 5.15 are: 1 and 15, 3 and 5