What is the concept of factor

What is the concept of factor

Integer a can be divided by integer B. A is called multiple of B, and B is called factor or divisor of A

What does factor mean?

There are three differences between divisor and factor, divisor and factor: 8. Number field is different. Divisor can only be natural number, while factor can be any number. Generally, divisor is equal to factor. Definition of common factor: the common factor of two or more natural numbers is called their common factor

Related concepts of factor
Is it possible that the factor of a number is greater than itself?

Impossible, the biggest is itself

What is the meaning of factor

In Division A, if the divisor is divided by the divisor, the quotient obtained is all natural numbers without remainder, it is said that the divisor is a multiple of the divisor, and the divisor is a factor of the divisor
B we divide a composite number into several prime numbers, which are called prime factors of the composite number
There are three differences between C divisor and factor: 1. The divisor can only be a natural number, while the factor can be any number. 2. The relationship is different. Divisor is the integral division relationship between two natural numbers. As long as two numbers are natural numbers, we can determine whether there is a divisor relationship between them. For example, 40 △ 5 = 8, 40 can be divided by 5, 5 is the divisor of 40, 12 △ 10 = 1.2, 12 cannot be divided by 10, For example, 8 × 0.2 = 1.6, 8 and 0.2 are all factors of product 1.6, and there is no factor without the product formula. 3 the size relationship is different. When a is a divisor of B, a cannot be greater than B. when a is a factor of B, a can be greater than B or less than B. for example, 5 is a divisor of 60, 5 < 60, 8 is a factor of 4.8, 8 > 4.8