The main factors affecting temperature distribution in China a. Latitude b. Topography c. Land and sea d. Ocean current

The main factors affecting temperature distribution in China a. Latitude b. Topography c. Land and sea d. Ocean current


What are the factors that affect the difference of temperature distribution in winter and summer in China?
A current factor B land sea factor C terrain factor D latitude factor

The main reason is latitude, but there are also terrain, ocean current, sea and land factors

Characteristics of temperature distribution in China

China is a monsoon climate region, the temperature distribution in winter and summer is very different. The characteristics of temperature distribution are as follows: the temperature is generally low in winter, hot in the South and cold in the north, large temperature difference between the north and the south, more than 50 ℃. The main reasons are: in winter, the sun shines directly on the southern hemisphere, and the northern hemisphere gets less solar energy; latitude influence: Winter Monsoon prevails in winter, The main reasons are as follows: in summer, the sun shines directly on the northern hemisphere, and the northern hemisphere gains more heat; in summer, the summer monsoon prevails, and the temperature in most parts of China rises to the highest value; in summer, the sun's height is high, and the higher the latitude, the longer the day time, which slows down the difference between the north and the south. The coldest place in winter is Mohe Town, and the hottest place in summer is Turpan, Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing are known as China's "three Furnaces"
Frost free period and growth period: Generally speaking, the frost free period in China is gradually shortened from south to North and from coastal to inland
If frost period is long, the growth period of crops will be long. Otherwise, it will be short

The distribution characteristics of winter temperature in China are ()

The distribution characteristics of winter temperature in China: winter temperature decreases from south to north, and the temperature difference between North and south is very large