Topography and geomorphology of Hengduan Mountain Area How to explain it? Should we separate topography from geomorphology?

Topography and geomorphology of Hengduan Mountain Area How to explain it? Should we separate topography from geomorphology?

Hengduan Mountain is located in the west of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. The North-South mountains such as Daxue mountain, Yunling mountain and Nushan mountain are arranged in parallel. They cross the east-west traffic and are generally called Hengduan Mountain It vividly reflects the complex and changeable terrain of Hengduan Mountain area

The reason why Hengduan Mountain area becomes the most abundant area of water energy in China is () and its influence on traffic is ()

The river runoff is large and the terrain drop is large
Traffic inconvenience, road bends, railway tunnels, bridges

List the surface forms you know

It mainly includes:
1. Plain
2. Plateau
3. Mountain Area
4. Hills
5. Basin
6. Rift Valley
7. Karst terrain (rock melt terrain)

The distribution and morphology of rural settlements reflect the relationship between what and what

Most rural settlements are built to adapt to the local natural geographical environment. Therefore, the distribution and morphology of rural settlements reflect the relationship between settlements and natural geographical environment