(Geography) the distribution of vegetation is affected by topography, climate, soil and other physical and geographical factors. Because the growth of plants is highly dependent on the geographical environment, it often has an obvious indication of the environment in which they grow. To a certain extent, plants are a "mirror" of the natural environment. Read figure 6-17 to complete the following tasks 1. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, what changes have taken place in the vegetation? Think about it, why? 2. The annual precipitation on the southeast side of Changbai Mountain is more than 1000 mm, while that on the northwest side is only 600-700 mm? 3. Is Lingling's side southeast or northwest of the mountain? Tell me your judgment Come on,

(Geography) the distribution of vegetation is affected by topography, climate, soil and other physical and geographical factors. Because the growth of plants is highly dependent on the geographical environment, it often has an obvious indication of the environment in which they grow. To a certain extent, plants are a "mirror" of the natural environment. Read figure 6-17 to complete the following tasks 1. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, what changes have taken place in the vegetation? Think about it, why? 2. The annual precipitation on the southeast side of Changbai Mountain is more than 1000 mm, while that on the northwest side is only 600-700 mm? 3. Is Lingling's side southeast or northwest of the mountain? Tell me your judgment Come on,

(1) From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the vertical change of vegetation is: Coniferous Forest and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest → Korean pine, larch, spruce → Betula platyphylla forest → alpine tundra. The main reason for the vertical change of vegetation is that the temperature gradually decreases from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain due to the influence of altitude, The precipitation is relatively more; the northwest side is located in the leeward slope of summer wind, so the precipitation is relatively less. Therefore, the precipitation on both sides of the same mountain will be different
(3) Lingling is located on the southeast side of the mountain. The southeast side is the windward slope with more precipitation. The upper limit of the same vegetation zone is slightly higher than that of the northwest side

The environmental factors that affect the life and distribution of organisms are called________ Ecological factors include_______ And_____ .

Ecological factors include abiotic factors and biological factors

Two basic elements of climate
1. The difference between factorization and integral multiplication is as follows: integral multiplication multiplies several integers into one, while factorization transforms a polynomial into several factors
2. The graph of the first-order function y = KX + B is, and its intersection coordinate with the Y axis is
3. Factorization a - (the third power of a) =
4. Find the value of (471 * 471) - (129 * 129) by factorization

1. The difference between factorization and integral multiplication is that integral multiplication multiplies several integers into one (integral), while factorization transforms a polynomial into several (product)
2. The graph of a linear function y = KX + B is (straight line), and its intersection coordinates with y axis are (0, b)
3. Decomposition factor A - (the third power of a) = a (1 + a) (1-A)
4. Find the value of (471 * 471) - (129 * 129) by factorization

The basic elements of climate are______ And______ .

The two basic elements of climate are temperature and precipitation. The temperature and precipitation are different in different areas