According to the terrain characteristics of Xinjiang, this paper analyzes the reasons why cities and population are mainly distributed in the edge of Tarim Basin Brief and clear

According to the terrain characteristics of Xinjiang, this paper analyzes the reasons why cities and population are mainly distributed in the edge of Tarim Basin Brief and clear

The relationship between the distribution of cities and population in Xinjiang and topography is that most of the settlements are distributed in the piedmont alluvial fan plain at the edge of the basin, because the terrain here is flat and the soil is fertile, especially the relatively rich water resources (mainly from the melting water of mountain ice and snow), thus forming an oasis in the arid environment. Here, the influence of water on the distribution of settlements is more important than the terrain

Distribution characteristics of population, cities, highways and railways in Tarim Basin
Why is it distributed like this

The population, cities, highways and railways of Tarim Basin are concentrated in the oasis area
Because these oases have suitable living conditions, such as fertile land, high mountains and rivers