Using the dialectical relationship principle of Materialist Dialectics about the universality and particularity of contradictions, this paper explains the correctness of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics

Using the dialectical relationship principle of Materialist Dialectics about the universality and particularity of contradictions, this paper explains the correctness of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics

(1) the universality and particularity of contradiction are dialectical unity: first, the universality and particularity of contradiction are connected with each other. On the one hand, universality exists in particularity. On the other hand, particularity contains universality, which is related to universality. Second, the universality and particularity of contradiction are different from each other, Commonness only includes the common and essential things in individuality. Individuality always has many unique characteristics of its own, which cannot be included by commonness. Individuality is much richer than commonness. Therefore, the two cannot replace each other. Third, the universality and particularity of contradiction can be transformed into each other under certain conditions
(2) the principle of dialectical unity of universality and particularity of contradiction is the theoretical basis of adhering to the basic ideological principle of combining Marxist universal truth with China's specific reality. China's road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a theoretical achievement in the process of combining Marxist universal truth with China's specific reality
(3) to take the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, on the one hand, we must adhere to the fundamental system and basic principles of socialism; on the other hand, we must proceed from China's national conditions and pay attention to China's characteristics. China is a large socialist country and a poor country with a large population, a weak foundation and a low level of productivity, That is, China is now in and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time. The party's basic line and various principles and policies in the primary stage of socialism are the result of combining the basic principles of socialism with China's reality. Only by adhering to the party's basic line unswervingly and taking our own road, can we continuously win on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics

How to understand the basic thought of materialist dialectics? The basic principles of Marxism
What does the basic thought include? Three basic laws? Five categories? Or something else?

What does the basic thought include? Three basic laws or five categories? Or something else? The first is materialism and the second is dialectics. Dialectics includes three laws and five categories are just the big concepts of its application. The other is the same. They are all the application of materialist dialectics

How to use the relevant knowledge of historical materialism to analyze the philosophical basis for the state to take a series of measures to safeguard the health and life safety of the people?
About a flow of, test. Know quickly answer

In fact, first of all, we need to know what historical materialism is. Generally speaking, the masses are the fundamental driving force of social progress, and productive forces determine relations of production
When it comes to this question, you can answer "the people are the masters of society and history, and our party and government naturally want to serve the people." "our party is a party supported by the people in the long-term revolutionary struggle, representing the interests of the people, so we want to serve the people."
Generally speaking, this is the idea. I don't know if I'm satisfied or not!

How can the party and the government protect and improve people's livelihood?

① The fundamental task of socialism is to develop productive forces. We should take economic construction as the center, put people first, realize people's wishes, and take improving people's livelihood and safeguarding people's fundamental interests as the starting point and foothold of all our work
② We should increase government financial investment in education, health, culture, sports and other social undertakings related to people's livelihood, meet the people's growing material and cultural needs, establish and improve the social welfare system and social security system, increase the income of urban and rural residents, effectively improve people's livelihood, and improve people's living standards and quality of life
③ Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Solving the problem of employment is a major issue related to the overall situation of reform, development and stability, as well as improving people's livelihood. We should actively promote the adjustment of industrial structure, accelerate the development of the tertiary industry with modern service industry as the focus, and make it the leading force to absorb the employed population
④ In order to deepen the reform of the income distribution system, we should deal with the relationship between efficiency and fairness in both primary distribution and redistribution, pay more attention to fairness in redistribution, strengthen macro-control of the economy and stabilize prices, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, promote social fairness and actively solve problems involving the vital interests of the people by adjusting tax policies
Center [establish corresponding functional departments, improve relevant rules and regulations, there are laws to follow, there are laws to follow]