Using the basic principles of Marxism to analyze the necessity and possibility of the current political reform?

Using the basic principles of Marxism to analyze the necessity and possibility of the current political reform?

The essential relation between the economic base and the superstructure constitutes the law that the superstructure must be suitable for the condition of the economic base. The main contents of this law are: the economic base determines the emergence, nature and development direction of the superstructure; the reaction of the superstructure depends on and serves the nature of the economic base

Explaining the significance of socialist reform with the principle of social basic contradiction

Using the relevant principles of the basic social contradiction and its movement law, this paper explains the importance of the reform of China's economic and political system and the choice of socialist market economy

According to historical materialism, productive forces determine relations of production, which reacts on productive forces; economic base determines superstructure, which reacts on economic base
Therefore, the implementation of economic system reform is conducive to the sound development of the economic foundation, thus promoting the development of superstructure; the reform of political system will react on the sound development of economy and society
Socialistic market economy is an economic system suitable for our national conditions and will promote the development of superstructure