The key to solve the problem of environment and development in China Is it: control the population,

The key to solve the problem of environment and development in China Is it: control the population,

China's natural environment and economic development are equally important
The natural environment is the condition for our survival, but no matter how good the natural environment is, can we live a good life? Obviously, it is impossible. In East Africa, the natural environment is good enough, but their life is not very bad?
For example, when we were young, the river in our hometown was clear, we could swim in it, and adults washed clothes there. But the sewage from a fertilizer plant and a paper mill in the upper reaches was discharged, which made the river a stinky ditch. What a pity
Now many parts of our country have caused great damage and pollution to the environment because of economic development
Therefore, to develop the economy, we must protect the natural environment. Now the state also attaches great importance to environmental protection, that is, one vote veto. Furthermore, the state attaches great importance to energy conservation and emission reduction, that is, it hopes to develop the economy and protect the environment at the same time
In a word, only by keeping the rapid and healthy development of economy and protecting the natural environment, can we realize the healthy and harmonious development of human beings

Solutions to environmental problems

From the national point of view, this is just a slogan. Between development and environmental problems, development is always in the first place, unless environmental problems bring very bad explicit effect. Moreover, environmental problems can not be solved in a real sense, just improvement, and in the process of improvement, new

What is the fundamental way to solve environmental problems?

Population growth, economic development and scientific and technological progress are the root causes of environmental problems. To solve environmental problems, we must rely on controlling population, strengthening education, improving population quality, enhancing environmental awareness, strengthening environmental management, and relying on strong economic strength and scientific and technological progress

By using the principle of the important role of geographical environment in social development, it shows that we should build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society

① Social existence, also known as social material living conditions, is the material aspect of social life. It mainly refers to the production and mode of production of material means of living. It also includes geographical environment and population factors. Geographical environment is an eternal and necessary condition for the survival and development of human society, It provides the geographical environment for human development, but at present the geographical environment has been seriously damaged, such as: land desertification, deforestation, uncontrolled development of mines, uncontrolled emission of waste gas and slag, etc
② The resource-saving society means that in the fields of production, circulation and consumption, comprehensive measures such as legal, economic and administrative measures are taken to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, to obtain the maximum economic and social benefits with the least resource consumption, and to ensure the sustainable development of economy and society, The purpose is to pursue less resource consumption, lower environmental pollution, greater economic and social benefits, and achieve sustainable development. An environment-friendly society means that the whole society adopts production, lifestyle, and consumption patterns that are conducive to environmental protection, and establishes an interactive relationship between people and the environment. Conversely, a good environment will also promote production and improve life, To realize the harmony between man and nature and to build an environment-friendly society is to take the harmony between man and nature as the goal, take the environmental carrying capacity as the basis, follow the natural law as the criterion, take green science and technology as the driving force, advocate environmental culture and ecological civilization, build a social system of coordinated development of economy, society and environment, and realize sustainable development
Therefore, only when we fully realize its importance, can we make better use of resources