Meaning, meaning, definition, difference of meaning Be specific

Meaning, meaning, definition, difference of meaning Be specific

"Meaning" is a homonym, synonym and incomplete homonym. At present, there are more than two words in the dictionary, which leads to many people "confused". I don't know why we don't standardize it, and determine one of them as the standard writing method, so as to eliminate the ambiguity
Attached are the definitions of the two words:
The meaning of [meaning; notation]: [words, sentences, etc.]
This word has different meanings in different situations
Implication [implication]
This sentence has profound meaning
The meaning contained in [notation; implication; meaning]
Definition is to describe or regulate the meaning of a word or a concept by listing the basic properties of a thing or an object. A defined thing or object is called a defined item, and its definition is called a definition item
1) Significance:
1. What language or other signals indicate
2. Value; function: positive ~; Life ~
3. Content
4. Good reputation
2) Significance:
1. Thought and reason contained in things. 2. Content. 3. Good name and reputation. 4. Function and value
Subjective and objective judgment given by a person or thing

Concept, meaning, definition and difference of meaning

Meaning refers to the specific meaning contained in (words, sentences, etc.)
Meaning and meaning of the specific same, no objection
The meaning of the concept is broader than the definition
1、 Concept, one of the basic forms of rational thinking, is the general reflection of the essential attributes of objective things in people's minds. On the basis of perceptual knowledge, people generalize their unique attributes from many attributes of the same kind of things and form concepts expressed in words or phrases. Concept is abstract and universal, so it can reflect the essence of the same kind of things
2、 Definition: the exact expression of the essential characteristics of a thing or the connotation and extension of a concept. The most representative definition is "genus + species difference", that is, to include a concept in its genus concept, and to reveal the difference between it and other concepts under the same genus concept. For example, "human" is under the genus concept of "animal", The difference between man and other animals is that man can make tools
3、 Meaning the meaning contained in (words, words, utterances, etc.)
It can be seen from this that the difference between "concept" and "definition" is as follows:
1. The concept is abstract and universal, and the definition is concrete and exact
2. "Definition can include concept" or "definition is refinement and extension / extension of concept"

Is there a difference between meaning and meaning?
For example, is there a difference between the meaning and meaning of a poem?

On the one hand, it emphasizes the surface
Meaning emphasizes connotation and needs thinking

What is the meaning of "modernization"?
Thank you

There is no unified definition of modernization at home and abroad, so it has become one of the important concepts widely debated by scholars in the world. Because of the confusion of the meaning of modernization, Oscar lafondan, who was finance minister of Schroeder government, complained: "modernization and Modernity"