The middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides the circumference of the isosceles triangle into two parts: 15cm and 12cm

The middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides the circumference of the isosceles triangle into two parts: 15cm and 12cm

10 cm, 10 cm, 7 cm respectively

An isosceles triangle with two sides of 10 cm and 12 cm respectively. How many meters is the circumference of this isosceles triangle?

The other one could be 10, it could be 12
32 or 34

It is known that the length of the base of an isosceles triangle is 15cm. If the difference between the two parts is 8cm, the waist length is______ cm.

If x = 23, the three sides of the triangle are 23cm, 23cm and 15cm respectively, which can form a triangle. If x = 7, the three sides of the triangle are 7cm, 7cm and 15cm respectively, ∵ 7 + 7 = 14 < 15, ∵ 7cm, 7cm and 15cm can not form a triangle

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 36cm, and the waist length is 14 (m). How many cm is the length of the bottom of the isosceles triangle?

Bottom length = 36-2 × 14 = 8cm