If the chemical equilibrium constants of the reaction at 298k398k are k1k2 and the reaction is ammonia synthesis from nitrogen and hydrogen, K1 is greater than K2 Isn't the chemical equilibrium constant only related to temperature

If the chemical equilibrium constants of the reaction at 298k398k are k1k2 and the reaction is ammonia synthesis from nitrogen and hydrogen, K1 is greater than K2 Isn't the chemical equilibrium constant only related to temperature

The relationship among equation, temperature and equilibrium constant is defined as follows:
For a given reaction, the equilibrium constant is only a function of temperature
Therefore, if the equation is determined, when the temperature changes, the equilibrium constant will change, and the ammonia synthesis reaction is exothermic, so when the temperature rises, the equilibrium moves to the left, and the equilibrium constant decreases, so K1 > K2

As shown in the figure, two points a (1,6) and B (a, 3) of the intersection of the straight line y = K1 + B and the image with inverse scale y = K2 to X are taken as k1k2

K1 :-3 K2 :6