There are 48 people in a certain class. In a cultural and recreational activity, they should be divided into two groups. The number of people in the first group is more than twice that of the second group. Six more people. What's the difference between the two groups How many people?

There are 48 people in a certain class. In a cultural and recreational activity, they should be divided into two groups. The number of people in the first group is more than twice that of the second group. Six more people. What's the difference between the two groups How many people?

34 14

There are two groups of 76 people in an engineering team. When the first group transfers 6 people to the second group, the number of people in the first group is 16 times less than that in the second group,
(k is an integer greater than 1) so how many people were in the first group?

Suppose there are x people in the first group, then there are (76-x) people in the second group,
The results show that: (K + 1) x = 82k-10 = 82 (K + 1) - 92, so x = 82-92 / (K + 1),
Because x is a positive integer and K is an integer greater than 1, K + 1 is a divisor greater than 2 of 92,
Because 92 = 4 × 23 = 46 × 2, the values of K are 3, 22 and 45;
If k = 3, then x = 82-92 / (K + 1) = 82-23 = 59, then 76-x = 17
If k = 22, then x = 82-92 / (K + 1) = 82-4 = 78, then 76-x is negative, rounding off;
If k = 45, then x = 82-92 / (K + 1) = 82-2 = 80, then 76-x is negative, rounding off;
To sum up: the original group of 59 people

There are six more boys than girls, and girls account for 48% of the total?

150 people
Method 1: female X, male y, (1) Y-X = 6, (2) x / (x + y) = 48%
Method 2: total number = 2 * female students + 6, 6 people account for 4% (1-2 * 48%) of the total number, total number = 6 / (4%) = 150, hope to adopt