Thank you for your birthday present Such as the title

Thank you for your birthday present Such as the title

Thanks for your birthday gift !

What do you usually get as your birthday present

It doesn't work
What do you usually get as you birthday present(gift)..
This is very impolite. If someone doesn't give her something good, he says I will get some dolls. In this way, he will be very embarrassed
But you can be more tactful
What do they always give you as birthday present?
What the people around you always give you as birthday present?
If you say it to the Chinese, or some foreigners, it's barely possible
What do you usually get as your birthday present?

What are the English words for gifts


My birthday is on September 12th

My birthday is on Sep,12th.

My birthday is December 1st

My birthday is December the first.
This is a literal translation
Generally speaking, they say:
I was born on December the first

My birthday is October 4th

My birthday is on October 4th.

English translation
Same as above
Can I write English?

My birthday was on 14th April.
14 can be written in English
My birthday was on fourteenth April.

English translation
6. A big cake with lots of grapes. 3Q

1. When is your birthday? My birthday is in January
When is your birthday?My birthday is in January.
2. What do you want for your birthday? I want a car
What would you like as your birthday gift? I would like an autocar
6. A big cake with lots of grapes
A big cake with a large amount of grape.

What's the date today? It's November 25th. 2. December is the 12th month of the year. 3. What's the day of today? It's Thursday. 4. May 1st
Chinese to English translation
1. What's the date today? It's November 25th
2. December is the 12th month of the year
3. What day is it today? It's Thursday
4. May 1st is international labor day
5. Do you like going to the zoo to see animals

What‘s the date today?Today is November 25 th.December is the 12th month of the year.What day is it today?It's Thursday.May 1st is International Labor Day.Do You like to go to the zoo to see

What day is it? What day is it today?

What day is today?
what day is it today?
What's the date today?
what's the date today?