My father is 27 years older than Xiao Ming. My father is four times as old as Xiao Ming. How old are my father and Xiao Ming?

My father is 27 years older than Xiao Ming. My father is four times as old as Xiao Ming. How old are my father and Xiao Ming?

Dad is 36 years old, Xiaoming is 9 years old! 27 / (4-1) = 9 years old is Xiaoming's age! Then Dad is 4 * 9 = 36 years old!

This year, my father's age is 3.7 times that of Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is 27 years younger than his father. How old are my father and Xiao Ming this year?

If Xiaoming's age is x years old, then his father's age is 3.7x years old. The equation is 3.7x-x = 27
After solving the equation, x = 10, that is, Xiaoming is 10 years old and his father is 37 years old

Number reasoning: 23,36,25,32,27,30 () a 36 B 32 c 29 D 28

The answer is C

23,36,25,32,27,30, () how many and why

Fill in 29. Generally, as long as there are 6 or more numbers in this question, you should look at them in sections or jump. This question should look at the arithmetic sequence composed of 23, 25 and 27, so it's 29

168 degrees 21 minutes 36 seconds = how many degrees 15 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds + 39 degrees 45 minutes 25 seconds = how many degrees
40 degrees, 30 minutes, 50 seconds * 2=
125 degrees, 12 seconds divided by 4=

Take your own calculator
168 degrees 21 minutes 36 seconds = 168.36 degrees
15 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds + 39 degrees 45 minutes 25 seconds = 55.30 degrees
40 degrees, 30 minutes, 50 seconds * 2 = 1641.14 degrees
125 degrees 12 seconds divided by 4 = 31.25 degrees

Find the factors of 10, 12, 16, 25, 28, 32, 36, 42, 45, 55



Analysis: 25 × 32 △ 14 + 36 △ 21 × 25 = 25 × 4 × 8 △ 14 + 4 × 9 △ 21 × 25; = 25 × 4 × (8 △ 14 + 9 △ 21); = 100 × (47 + 37); = 100

What is 45 minus three tenths

447 tenths

25 degrees 57 plus 32 degrees 46 equals

25°57′ + 32°46′

If △ ABC is known, a = 1 & nbsp;, & nbsp; b = 2, B = 45 °, then angle a is equal to______ .

From the sinusoidal theorem, we can get 1sna = 2sin45 °, Sina = 12, because a < B, a < B. then from b = 45 °, a = 30 °. So the answer is: 30 °