Convert the following false fractions into integers or with fractions, or with fractions into false fractions The denominator comes before the numerator 7╱15=( ) 2╱9=( ) 5 and 3 / 1 = () 2╱6=( ) 7 and 3 / 1 = () 9 and 4 / 3 = () 5 and 2 / 1 = () 3╱17=( )

Convert the following false fractions into integers or with fractions, or with fractions into false fractions The denominator comes before the numerator 7╱15=( ) 2╱9=( ) 5 and 3 / 1 = () 2╱6=( ) 7 and 3 / 1 = () 9 and 4 / 3 = () 5 and 2 / 1 = () 3╱17=( )


The false fraction is reduced to 19 / 4 / 11 / 242 / 31 / 85 with fractional extension
To convert a fraction into a false fraction
7 of 10, 8 of 10, 2 of 3, 1 of 24
Fractional exchange
16 out of 15 = 0.18 = 3.75=
The score is about 60 out of 48, 72 out of 24, 91 out of 52

10 and 7 out of 10 = 107 out of 10
8 and 2 / 3 = 26 / 3
1 and 7 / 24 = 31 / 24
16 out of 15 = 1.06 cycles
0.18 = 9 / 50
3.75 = 3 / 4
60 out of 48 = 1 and 1 out of 4
72 out of 24 = 3
91 out of 52 = 7 out of 4

How much is one square decimeter divided by four?

One square decimeter divided by four equals 0.25 square decimeter
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576 divided by (105 divided by 35)
Simple calculation!

The problem can be calculated directly in brackets, and then out of brackets; if you go to brackets first, it will be troublesome

708 divided by 78=

708 divided by 78 = 118 / 13 ≈ 9.0769

What is 308 divided by 43


What is 2 out of 31 divided by 7 out of 43

86 out of 217

What's 137 degrees, 43 minutes divided by 5? Why


48,61100 divided by natural number n (n > 1) to get the same remainder, ask what is the remainder

The common divisor is 13, this is n, and the remainder is 9

1000... 000 (100 zeros), divided by 7, what is the remainder?

Using binomial (7 + 3) ^ 100
Then we find the remainder of 3 ^ 100 divided by 7
Write (7 + 2) ^ 50
To find the remainder of 2 ^ 50 divided by 7
So the final remainder is 4