There are four digits, and the sum of any three digits is equal to 20.22.24,27 respectively. Can you work out these four digits? Note that they are four digits!

There are four digits, and the sum of any three digits is equal to 20.22.24,27 respectively. Can you work out these four digits? Note that they are four digits!

There is no solution to this problem. The sum of the numbers on your list is 31, and 31-20 = 11, so there is no solution,

How many digits is 20 plus 20?

40, double digits

A two digit number is four times of a one digit number. 20 times of the sum of them plus 16 is exactly equal to the three digits written on the left side of the two digit number

If the one digit is a, then the two digits are 4a,
20 (a + 4a) + 16 = 100A + 4a,
That is 100A + 16 = 100A + 4a, so a = 4, the double digit is 16