The circumference is a ray______ .

The circumference is a ray______ .

The characteristic of a circumference is that two edges recombine into a ray, but it cannot be said that a circumference is a ray

A flat angle has no vertex, a perimeter is a ray, and it has only one edge______ (judge right or wrong)

An angle is a figure surrounded by two rays from a point, so as long as it is an angle, there will be a vertex and two rays; so a flat angle has no vertex, and a perimeter angle is a ray, and it has only one edge, which is wrong

A ray is a circumference, right?

No. It should be said that:
Integral multiples of the circumference (including negative and 0) form a ray
An angle is made up of two rays of the same vertex,
The circumference and the integral multiple angle of the circumference are actually the coincidence of two rays

If ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 complement each other, ∠ 1 and ∠ 3 complement each other, and the sum of ∠ 2 and ∠ 3 is equal to 3 / 5 of 1 circumference, then ∠ 1 =, ∠ 2 =, ∠ 3=

1 + 2 = 90 degrees
1 + 3 = 180 degrees
∠ 3 - ∠ 2 = 90 degrees
∠ 2 + ∠ 3 = 216 degrees
∠ 3 = 153 degrees
∠ 2 = 63 degrees
∠ 1 = 27 degrees