If α and β are complementary angles, α and γ are complementary angles, and the sum of β and γ is equal to 1 / 3 of the circumference Then the degree of ∠ α ∠ β ∠ γ is in the order of?

If α and β are complementary angles, α and γ are complementary angles, and the sum of β and γ is equal to 1 / 3 of the circumference Then the degree of ∠ α ∠ β ∠ γ is in the order of?

It can be known from the known
The results show that α = 75 °, β = 15 ° and γ = 105 °

1 / 2-1 / 3-20% flat angle = () degrees


180 degrees is equal to several right angles and several circumferences

180 degrees is equal to 2 right angles and 1 / 2 circumferences

The circumference is equal to______ Degree, equal to______ A flat angle, equal to______ A right angle

Because 360 / 180 = 2360 / 90 = 4, the circumference is equal to 360 degrees, two flat angles and four right angles