Who can tell me the total number of days in 2006, 365 or 366?

Who can tell me the total number of days in 2006, 365 or 366?

365, a leap year is 366 days. If you divide the year by 4, it means 366 days in a leap year, otherwise it means 365 days in a normal year. For example, if you divide 2008 by 4, it means 502, it means 366 days in a normal year; if you divide 2007 by 4, it means 501, and the remainder is 3, it means 365 days in a normal year

Why is there only 365 or 366 days in a year
Why is there no 367 days in a year? Who stipulates that there are only 365 or 366 days in a year?

It takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds for the earth to circle the sun
Because 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds = 365 days 6 hours
For convenience, the average year is 365 days
So in order to make up for the time difference, there are 366 days of leap year and 29 days of February every four years
In Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar), the year with leap day is called leap year. The general year is 365 days, and the leap year is 366 days. Because the earth's cycle around the sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds (365.24219 days), that is, a regression year, the Gregorian calendar sets a year as 365 days. The remaining time is about four years, one day in total, added to February, so the normal year is 365 days, February is 28 days, leap year is 366 days, February is 29 days. Therefore, there are 97 leap years in every 400 years. The leap year increases by one day at the end of February, and the leap year is 366 days. The calculation method of leap year: the number of years in the ad era can be divided by four, that is, leap year; the number of years divided by 100 but not by 400 is equal year; the number of years divided by 100 but not by 400 is leap year. For example, 2000 is leap year, but 1900 is not

If a divided by 2 / 21 equals a times 2 / 21, then a is? If 2 / 21 divided by a equals 2 / 21 times a, then a is?
Urgent question?

A divided by 2 out of 21 is a multiplied by 2 out of 21
2 / 21 divided by a is 2 / 21 times a

23456789 guessing idioms. 1256789 guessing idioms. 333.5555 guessing idioms. 3.5 guessing idioms. 5, 10 guessing idioms. 9 inch + 1 inch = 1 foot, guessing idioms

Lack of food and clothing, loose, three or five groups, not three or four, one or ten, advance an inch